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Serbian List: The opposition will experience an electoral debacle (KIM radio)

Serbian List says that some presidential candidates are trying to ensure the votes of Serbs in Kosovo and create the impression of prepared electoral fraud.

"Of course behind these attempts is the desire to challenge the entire election process in Serbia, if these candidates do not like the results.  Fortunately, in a democratic system such as ours, the president enters into the function by the votes of the citizens, not by self-proclamation or by the appointment of some foreign embassy. "

Serbs in Kosovo blackmailed to vote for Vucic – opposition (B92, KIM radio)

The Dveri Movement claims that Serbs employed by Serbian institutions and public companies in Kosovo and Metohija are subjected to threats and blackmail.

According to the opposition movement, whose leader Bosko Obradovic is a candidate in the April 2 presidential elections, these Serbs are pressured in order to support Aleksandar Vucic, the candidate of the ruling coalition.

Vučić: I am not aware of the conditionality of the visit to Kosovo (Danas)

Presidential candidate Aleksandar Vučić says he was not officially informed about the alleged conditioning of his visit to Kosovo.

Responding to a question whether the Kosovo authorities have conditioned his visit on 29 March to Kosovo and Leposavić/Leposaviq, Vučić said that he was not informed about it. As reported by media the request was that certain ministers of the Government of Serbia are not in the delegation.

State commission denies intent to rig election in Kosovo (B92)

RIK President Vladimir Dimitrijevic says the opposition "has no reason to doubt the legitimacy of the electoral process in Kosovo and Metohija."

Dimitrijevic came out with this statement after Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, who heads an opposition parliamentary group, described the instructions for the holding of the presidential elections in Kosovo, which the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) adopted late last night, as "unconstitutional and allowing for electoral fraud."

Will Serbs in Kosovo vote in presidential elections? (B92, Tanjug, Blic, KIM radio)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says that Pristina has not yet reached a decision with regard to the elections for the president of Serbia.

And although the Kosovo institutions have not yet taken a position on the holding of the Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, the OSCE have confirmed their readiness to provide technical help to implement them.

Mayor of Ranilug/Ranillug arrested, then released (Večernje Novosti, TV Pink)

Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić confirmed this morning that Gradimir Mikić, Mayor of Ranilug/Ranillug, the municipality with Serbian majority in Kosovo, has been arrested and later released.

Đurić said that he was arrested only because he had in his vehicle 1,000 pre-election posters with the image of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić.

Stojanović about the Serbian presidential elections and the Kosovo Government's decision to appropriate the assets of SFRJ (Serbian media)

Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that he sees no problem for holding elections in Kosovo for the President of Serbia, and told reporters that he expects that they will be held, unless someone in Pristina "from strange, their own ideas, decides otherwise."

"OSCE in Kosovo ready to organize the vote" (KIM radio)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Jan Braathu said soon will be known whether the people of Kosovo with Serbian citizenship would be able to vote for the President of the Republic of Serbia in the elections scheduled for the 2nd of April.

Braathu recalled in the show "Free Serbian" that the OSCE few times so far technically assisted in the organization of Serbian elections in Kosovo.

90 polling stations in Kosovo for the Serbia's presidential elections (Blic)

The Republic Electoral Commission announces that on April 2nd, for the Serbian presidential elections, in Kosovo would be open 90 polling stations and 53 abroad.

REC made the decision on the number of polling stations on the basis of notifications of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A decision on polling stations in Kosovo and Metohija on March 12 (Kontakt plus radio)

For the presidential elections in Serbia, scheduled for 2nd April, 8 253 polling stations will be open, it was announced today by the Republic Electoral Commission.

The REC also told that a decision about polling stations in Kosovo and Metohija will be made on 12 March.