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6+ against new parliamentary elections (Telegrafi)

Leader of the 6+ parliamentary group that gathers non-Serb minority communities, Mahir Yagcilar, said that they consider early elections not to be the right solution to the current political stalemate. Yagcilar said that everyone should make compromises so that new institutions of Kosovo can be established without further delay. “It is not an issue of whose side we are on, we simply want institutions to be formed. If the session is called after the Constitutional Court’s decision, we will take part in it, regardless of who calls it”, he said after the meeting of his group.


Yagcilar: We’re against elections, we support any other option (Gazeta Express)

Mahir Yagcilar, leader of the Turkish Democratic Party (KDTP) and MP from the parliamentary group 6+ that consists of representatives of Turkish, Bosnian and Roma minorities, told reporters in Pristina today that this group does not support the option of early elections. “We will support any party that offers a solution to the crisis,” Yagcilar said after a consultative meeting of the group. Asked if they would attend an assembly session called by the coalition bloc, Yagcilar said they would act in accordance with the latest decision of the Constitutional Court.

Reasons why the Bloc is not giving up the speaker’s post (Gazeta Blic)

Coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje – LVAN - are ready to give up the post of Assembly speaker to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) but they fear that once the PDK takes it, it will not allow President Atifete Jahjaga to nominate the Bloc’s candidate for prime minister, an unnamed official from the Bloc said.

Jahjaga kills Bloc’s “hopes”, she will not address Constitutional Court (Gazeta Blic)

A source close with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga told the news agency that representatives of the coalition bloc asked Jahjaga to seek additional explanations from the Constitutional Court on how to break the political deadlock. “Jahjaga, however, does not plan to address the Court again. She is confident that the solution lies in the latest decision of the Court,” the source said.

Zbogar: We can only give recommendations to break political deadlock (Kosovapress)

Samuel Zbogar, head of the European Union's Office in Kosovo, said today that the international community would not interfere to break the political deadlock in Kosovo, but that it could give recommendations to overcome the situation as soon as possible. "We will have to wait and see what will happen in the next couple of days. This is a democratic process and in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court. There is no institutional crisis," he said. Zbogar also said elections are the last option and that Kosovo's leaders need to find a solution without organizing new elections.

Déjà vu (Kosova Sot)

In its front-page editorial, the paper writes that the battle for power is coming at a high cost for Kosovo. While certain politicians claim that there is no crisis and the current situation is normal for a democratic country, the consequences of not forming new institutions will be serious for all sectors.  The decision of the Constitutional Court that was intended to unblock the situation had an opposite effect and only solidified the positions of the parties while the president’s intervention is not expected to result in any breakthrough, writes the paper.

LAN: No new elections, solution must be found in the Assembly (Koha)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and candidate of the opposition coalition for Prime Minister, said today that MPs need to find a solution to break the political deadlock. He said the coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the AAK and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) does not want new elections. “This is not about new elections, this is about finding a solution in the Assembly,” Haradinaj said.

The “Guardian” (Kosova Sot)

In its front-page editorial, the paper writes about the resignation of the US judge from the Constitutional Court of Kosovo saying that the move has led to many debates over the future of the institution in question. Although the Court announced that the work will continue as usual, there are doubts about its capacity and legitimacy in issuing decisions. President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, has extended the mandate of international judges in the Constitutional Court but now that the US judge is gone, there are only two international judges remaining.