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"Vucic wants peaceful protests regardless of PR actions" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, during the meeting on Thursday, asked representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to hold only peaceful, democratic and non-violent protests, B92 reports.

The President wants this to be the case "regardless of the further moves of Pristina," Chairperson of Srpska Lista Goran Rakic said.

Now Albanian wants to become mayor of "united" Mitrovica (B92, KoSSev)

Following the resignation of North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic, South Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri has sent a request to the Kosovo government. According to the northern-Kosovo based KoSSev website, Bahtiri is proposing that he should govern a "united (Kosovska Mitrovica)."

"I demand that the Kosovo government take all the necessary legal actions to immediately abolish the decision to divide Mitrovica into two municipalities, “ Bahtiri wrote on his Facebook profile.

Resignations of four northern mayors (RTS)

Following the extraordinary sessions of the Serb majority municipal assemblies in northern Kosovo, mayors of Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok have resigned, Serbian national broadcaster RTS reports.

The reason is, as Mitrovica North Mayor Rakic ​​said discriminatory policy of Pristina. Courts in these towns also stopped working. The bodies/authorities under the Pristina administration in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, therefore, no longer exist. Communication with the provisional institutions in Pristina is discontinued, RTS added.

Serbs protest in Mitrovica North - Brothers and sisters, no turning back from here (Serbian media)

Serbs protested on Tuesday in Mitrovica North against what they see as Pristina's disgraceful moves, and the arrests of Serbs in this northern Kosovo town, Serbian media report.

The protest was attended by a large number of citizens of the northern part of the town, who were first addressed by the now former mayor, Goran Rakic, who, about an hour earlier, resigned along with other three Serb mayors in northern Kosovo.

KFOR: We knew something yesterday; Serbian media: Mitrovica North citizens disturbed (Tanjug, B92, TV Prva, Kontakt plus radio)

Vincenzo Grasso, KFOR spokesman, told TV Prva that KFOR was informed that four people were arrested in Kosovo, but that there is no accurate information about where they are.

"The Kosovo police arrested several people in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. We were informed that four people were arrested and I'm not sure where they are right now, but I'm sure that they are in the police and would be brought to the justice," Grasso told TV Prva.

Army, security chiefs, president meet after Rosu incursion (Tanjug, TV Prva, B92)

An unscheduled closed session of the Serbian Government was held in Belgrade on Friday morning due to the incursion of a Kosovo police unit into the north of Kosovo, reports Serbian media.

President Aleksandar Vucic has had extraordinary meetings with the army and police chiefs this morning. Other security services, as well as commanders of special military and police units, also took part in these meetings.

Rakic: If ROSU did not withdraw, war would start (B92, TV Prva)

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic told Prva TV three persons were arrested in this town early this morning, including Kosovo police officer and two citizens. All of them are Serbs. Rakic also added, arrested persons were brutally beaten up.

According to Rakic, the excuse used for action was that the arrests are made in relation to Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, however Rakic doubts this version and believes it is about diverting attention from yesterday’s events.

Protests announced today in Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce (KIM radio, Tanjug)

A peaceful one-hour protest will be held in Serbian communities in Kosovo, Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce today at noon due to the introduction of a tax on Serbian goods, Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government, Dalibor Jevtic, told Tanjug last night.

Goran Rakic: Humanitarian crisis in Kosovo and Metohija looming (RTS)

Decision of Pristina authorities to increase taxes by 100 percent for the goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, entered into force yesterday, immediately after its adoption, Serbian media report.

Representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will discuss this with the President of Serbia during the meeting that was scheduled today. Chairperson of Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic said he will familiarize President Vucic with the situation on the ground, adding that Serbian representatives will be with their people.

Socially owned properties under authority of Serb municipalities (RTV Puls)

By joint, committed and years-long work of Srpska Lista representatives, in particular mayors from Serb-majority municipalities, outgoing Minister for Local Governance Administration, Ivan Todosijevic and Sprska Lista MPs, all socially owned properties located in these municipalities have been transferred under municipal authority, Goran Rakic said, RTV Puls reports.

This decision would end privatization process that economically and politically jeopardized survival and remain of Serb people across Kosovo and Metohija over the last couple of years,