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Region is "exposed to risks from escalating rhetoric" – EU (B92)

The EU has been repeatedly "called out" by Belgrade for failing to react to statements made by Ramush Haradinaj.

This topic has now been addressed by Federica Mogherini's spokeswoman.

Maja Kocijancic assessed that "statements that can be interpreted as political interference in neighboring countries are not helpful in building good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans."

"Albanians won't set foot on millimeter of central Serbia" (B92)

Albanians will not be able to set foot on a millimeter of central Seria - but constant threats against the Serb people in Kosovo are cause for concern.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic told this to the daily Blic, adding that threats coming from Ramush Haradinaj about taking Serbian territory do not represent the position of an individual - but of "all Albanians in Kosovo."

For that reason, "they should not be viewed as Haradinaj's words," said Stefanovic.

Rakic: International community to react to Haradinaj's threats (KiM radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić says on the occasion of the latest threats of Ramush Haradinaj that it is not in the interest of the Albanian people also to be represented by those who advocate hatred and violence and called on the international community to respond to threats of Albanian leaders, which do not contribute to the stability of Kosovo.

Vucic responds to Haradinaj's threats: "I know who you are" (B92)

Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday reacted to Ramush Haradinaj's latest threats to say that he "knows very well who Haradinaj is."

The Kosovo Albanian politician and former KLA leader, wanted by Belgrade on war crimes charges, earlier advised Vucic not to "mess" with him or "play with Albanians."

Our reaction to Haradinaj decision was appropriate – FM (B92)

Ivica Dacic says Serbia's authorities took "appropriate" measures in the wake of a French court's decision not to extradite Ramush Haradinaj.

The first deputy prime minister and foreign minister said the withdrawal of the Serbian ambassador to France for consultations and three months of non-participation in conferences in France represent "a measure by which Serbia has shown its opposition to the decision."

Experts on Ramush Haradinaj’s release: War crimes cannot be outdated (

Kosovo ex-prime minister and one of the leaders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army, Ramush Haradinaj, whose extradition to Serbia was denied by the French Court in Colmar, could still be tried for war crimes, experts say.

Despite the fact that, on Thursday, the Colmar Court decided not to extradite Haradinaj to Serbia, he could still face trial because there is no statute for limitation when it comes to war crimes, Vladimir Vukcevic, former Serbian Prosecutor for war crimes, told Insajder.

Protest in front of the Monument of Gratitude to France (KIM radio)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo will protest today in front of the Monument of Gratitude to France, located in Kalemegdan in Belgrade, due to the decision of the court in Colmar not to deliver Haradinaj to Serbia.

The protest will start at 12:44.

The statement adds that the refusal of a request for extradition of Ramush Haradinaj presents a big blow for the victims' families and that the process broached all over again old wounds.


North Mitrovica: Serbs protested over Haradinaj acquittal (KIM radio)

KiM radio reports that the citizens of North Mitrovica held protest last night, expressing disatisfaction over the decision of the French court to acquit former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj.

Gathering of citizens began about 19 hours in the city center.

The crowd carried Serbian flags and placards reading "Haradinaj criminal", "Serbia Russia", "KLA terrorists" and the like, reported KiM radio.

“French disgrace”: Serbian delegation walkout at CoE session (InSerbia)

A delegation of Serbia’s National Assembly on Thursday left a session of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, held in Strasbourg, France, in protest.

The move was prompted by the decision of a French court earlier in the day to reject Serbia’s request to extradite Ramush Haradinaj.

According to a statement, the Serbian delegation “condemned the disgraceful decision of the French court.”