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Kostić, Bondi and Sparks on the priorities of the Municipality of Gračanica/Graqanicë (Radio Gračanica)

Kostić notes, in the meeting with Desk Officers in Washington in charge of Kosovo and Serbia, Kate Bondi and Tyler Sparks that the most important issues for the municipality are the economic links, tourism, culture and that it requires encouragement. In order to raise these important issues to a higher level, Kostić says that infrastructure needs to be improved.

Haliti: Police in the north receive dual salaries (Zeri)

Assembly of Kosovo Vice President, Xhavit Haliti, said today that Serb Kosovo Police officers in the north also receive salaried from Serbia’s budget. In addition, they are also in possession of two different police uniforms, one of Kosovo and the second, which they keep at home, of Serbia. In a meeting with a delegation from the Danish European Movement which is visiting Kosovo, Haliti is also reported to have admitted that Kosovo institutions have no control over the north. “It is true that Kosovo doesn’t control the northern part of Mitrovica, especially beyond the River Iber.

EULEX is the only one to possess lists of Serb criminals (Indeksonlie)

Kosovo security bodies do not possess any list of the suspected individuals for crimes committed in Kosovo during the war period, 1998-1999.

Indeksonline reports that such list of soldiers or armed individuals identified that they participated in commitment of serious crimes such as massacres, slaughter of civilian population, rape of women, are only possessed by the European Mission of the Rule of Law, EULEX which has their prosecution for “target.”

UNMIK informed Kosovo Police about Thaçi’s arrest (RTK)

Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police, Naim Rexha, is reporting on Nehat Thaçi’s arrest to the Kosovo Assembly Committee for internal affairs, security and supervision of the Kosovo Security Force.

“On 28 September, at around 00:10, a person reported the case of the arrest of the official Nehat Thaçi during his entrance in Serbia. According to him, the lieutenant-colonel crossed the border at 20:10 hours.

Rexha: UNMIK informed Kosovo Police about Thaci’s arrest (Telegrafi/Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Police Deputy Director, Naim Rexha, told the Kosovo Assembly Internal Affairs Committee today, that the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) informed the police about the arrest of Kosovo Police Regional Director Nehat Thaci by Serbian authorities. “Serbia did not inform the Kosovo Police about Nehat Thaci. It sent the information through UNMIK,” Rexha was quoted as saying.

Vučić: I doubt the merits of the charges against Dikić (RTS)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has expressed doubts about the merits of the charges of terrorism against Bratislav Dikić and others arrested in Montenegro.

Given the other intelligence data collected by the Serbian services that he had at his disposal, Prime Minister says he does not believe in it, personally.

"We," he said, "still do not have any information; we have certain information obtained by our intelligence agencies."

Gračanica/Graçanicë: Thefts on rise, police without an answer (RTK2)

During the night, warehouse in Laplje Selo was broken into; a certain amount of goods was stolen.

Owner of the warehouse says this is not the first time that unknown perpetrators plunder his property. He said that his house had been broken into earlier, but that he did not report to the police because, he says, he does not trust them.

On two occasions, the target of robbers was the post office in village Ugljare.

KP to its members: Traveling through Serbia may not be safe (Koha)

The Kosovo Police (KP), responding to allegations made by some media that KP members are not allowed to pass through Serbia, clarified that KP respects everyone's right to move freely. "Kosovo Police respects the rights of everyone to move freely, however, referred to the latest developments and the arrest of Regional Director Colonel Nehat Thaci by Serbian authorities, Kosovo Police has an obligation to inform and its employees and suggest that passing through Serbia may not be safe and may have unpredictable consequences for our employees.

Nehat Thaçi rejects charges in Belgrade (Koha)

The Director of Kosovo Police for Mitrovica region, Nehat Thaçi (40 years old), rejected accusations of the Serbian Prosecution for organized crime and for being responsible for expelling a Serb family.

The Prosecution in Belgrade accused Thaçi to have expelled Milivojević family on 1 July 1999, near Lipjan/Ljipljane. He said that at that day he was in Fushë Kosovë/ Kosovo Polje.