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Memorial honoring Slovak soldiers desecrated in Pristina (B92, Kossev)

Unknown persons have damaged a memorial plaque in Pristina dedicated to Slovak KFOR soldiers who died in a plane crash in 2006.

The Kosovo police announced this on Tuesday.

The police said they launched an investigation after receiving a report that the memorial, installed last year in a park in Pristina by Slovak representatives in KFOR, had been damaged.

Azem Syla, Ramush Haradinaj and Shukri Buja in the INTERPOL list (RTK)

The list of the 157 Kosovars wanted by INTERPOL for different criminal offences with the request of Serbia, is reduced on 22 individuals.

According to RTK, names of the senior institutional officials and former KLA commanders of different zones, used to figure in the previous lists, however not in the most recent one.

A Serb arrested in Prizren (KIM radio)

Branimir Gligorijević from the returnee village of Novake, located 10 kilometres away from Prizren, was arrested yesterday around noon in Prizren.

According to unofficial information of Večernje Novosti daily, Branimir was arrested after leaving the car in the city center, where he went to buy groceries.

Gligorijević will be in custody, and is expected to be heard by the investigating judge.

Rakic: The wall will not be demolished, ROSU cannot come to the north (Kosovapress)

In an interview with Kosovapress, Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic said the wall will not be demolished while Kosovo police special unit (ROSU) cannot go to the north again. “Tensions have increased following recent events and citizens are rightfully concerned. I consider someone wanted to use this situation for political purposes and I appeal to all parties in talks in Brussels to decrease tensions and the top priority should be maintaining peace in these parts because there is no other alternative,” Rakic is quoted.

A Serb from the village Grnčare beaten up (KIM radio)

A Serb G.P. from the village Grnčare, near Vitina/Viti, was beaten on Friday night. He is located at the Hospital in Pristina in intensive care unit.

Kosovo police, in its regular report for the media on daily incidents from Friday, confirms there had been a quarrel in connection with the car in which one person has been physically attacked, and that the person has sustained "slight body injuries".

Police container burnt in Mitrovica North (Kosovapress)

The news website reports that a Kosovo Police container that served as a checkpoint in the Kroi i Vitakut neighborhood in Mitrovica North was burnt on Sunday evening. Citing unnamed sources, Kosovapress reports that there were no human casualties during the incident. Besim Hoti, Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, told Kallxo that the police had not used the container for a certain period of time.

Radojević: The complex security situation in Kosovo (Most TV)

The current security situation in Kosovo can be assessed as unstable, and if we bear in mind the frequent attacks on returnees, we can say that the situation is quite complex, complicated compared to last year, said Kosovo Deputy Interior Minister Milan Radojević in a show "Otvoreno o", at the TV Most.

Vetevendosje: Five activists arrested for seeking justice for Astrit Dehari (Koha)

Vetevendosje Movement through a press release today announced that Kosovo Police has arrested five Vetevendosje activists in Podujeve/Podujevo. The activists were escorted to the police station after writing graffiti seeking justice for Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari who died at the Prizren Detention Center on 5 November. According to the press release, the arrest of these activists is the next scandal of the government. “Nobody can stop those seeking justice,” notes the statement.