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Vucic: Whatever Kosovo government is for Scott and USA, for us it is “so-called” (Politika, Tanjug)

“Whatever Kosovo and its government are for the USA and Ambassador Scott, for us it is so-called government and the so-called state,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, reacting to the statement of the USA Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott, who stated earlier in Belgrade that Kosovo is a sovereign state.

“Why then they negotiate with Serbia at all, and seek from Serbia to offer a shelter to the so-called sovereign states in the UN?” Vucic added.

Vucic: Announcements of establishing army in Kosovo concerning (Tanjug, RTS)

Announcements of establishing Kosovo army, under that or some other name, is something that causes fear and anxiety, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, adding he hopes for some sort of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue continuation in order to decrease tension because of such things, Tanjug news agency reported.

Vucic made these remarks responding to the journalist’s question to comment on Pristina announcements they would make a decision this week on forming the army, either with that or some other name.

President Vucic on Kosovo, borders, solution (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Kraljevo he is always ready to talk about all compromise solutions and to offer it to the Serbian people. However, the solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue is not on the sight, B92 reports.

Asked by journalists, what happened since his last visit to Kraljevo when he announced a solution to the Kosovo issue would be presented, and then recently he stated that his Kosovo politics faced a defeat, Vucic responded that what he thought could be a solution faced general disagreement in Serbia.

Vucic: I am not happy because of Komsic’s statement on Kosovo (Danas, FoNet)

Serbia wishes to have good co-operation with Bosnia and Herzegovina and with all three newly elected members of its presidency, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Kraljevo.

Asked to comment on the statement of a Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, Zeljko Komsic who said that for him Kosovo is an independent state and would be wise if Bosnia recognizes it, Vucic replied he is not happy because of that statement, but will not use every opportunity to respond.

Vucic urged religious leaders to protect SOC shrines in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic urged religious leaders to protect Serbian Orthodox Church monasteries and churches in Kosovo that are under constant threats by those who do not believe in civilization and cultural heritage, Tanjug news agency reported.

Vucic made these remarks while addressing participants of the 4th Congress of World Leaders and Traditional Religions in Astana, Kazakhstan. Vucic noted that the Balkans, region where Serbia is located, is a crossroad of many different religions.

"100 years of negotiations is better than one day of war" (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has emphasized that it is "important to call for peace, because it is always better to negotiate for 100 years than to fight for one day."

On the eve of participating in an inter-religion conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, the Serbian president told reporters that the president of Kazakhstan is organizing this gathering for the sixth time in order to contribute to moving various traditional churches closer together.

Vucic says Putin is "definitely coming to Serbia" (Tanjug, B92)

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is definitely coming to Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists in Moscow.

After his talks with the head of the Russian state on Tuesday, Vucic said that Putin had asked his aides to set a date for his visit to Serbia.

This means that Putin will definitely visit Serbia, Vucic said.

"If Putin had just said, 'I'll come', that would not mean that the visit would necessarily be realized," Vucic explained.

"We're far from solution"

Vucic in Moscow: "We got everything we looked for" (Tanjug, B92)

"We got everything we looked for," President Aleksandar Vucic said after his meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday.

Vucic stressed that they agreed on "every topic of discussion."

"We got everything that we looked for. We agreed on everything," he told TASS, adding that he "could not reveal the details."

Vucic: This will be among most important meetings with Putin (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet today in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vucic points out that this will be one of their most important meetings.

"The situation in our region is very complex, it is necessary to measure every word and political move," Vucic warned in a statement to Serbian media in Moscow on Monday.

"EU's reaction to Macedonia referendum very important to me" (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has commented from Moscow on the outcome of the referendum in Macedonia, and stressed that Europe must act more responsibly.

"It's not my place to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign country... I'm afraid and it seems to me that some people from abroad underestimate us Balkan nations and think that they can do anything," Vucic said, adding: