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"Serbia ready to protect Serbian people in Kosovo" (Serbian Government, media)

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said today that in the operation of a special units ROSU and FIT, 23 persons of Serb and Bosniak ethnicity have been arrested in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, mostly members of the Kosovo police.

Speaking in the Serbian Parliament after the session of the National Security Council, Vucic said that this was an attempt to completely criminalise the Serbian people, who is more anxious than ever.

Serbian National Security Council meets in Belgrade (RTS)

Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports that the National Security Council is currently having a session on the situation in the northern Kosovo, following Kosovo police ROSU units intrusion. RTS added President Aleksandar Vucic warned the EU, Serbia shall react if ROSU does not withdraw from the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

Movements of Serbian Army and police in direction of Kosovo are also noticed. President Vucic would address Serbian Assembly MPs and Serbian citizens about the latest events at 10.30, RTS reported.

President Vucic: No evidence in case of Bytyqi brothers killing, no arrests

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday there was no evidence on who was involved in the murder of the Bytyqi brothers in 1999, BETA news agency reported. Addressing the Parliament with the Kosovo issue on the agenda, Vucic said that “the people were killed and the crime was committed.”

Danas: Group of Serbian Orthodox Church Bishops distances themselves from SOC Synod statement (Danas, TV N1)

A group of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Bishops have distanced themselves from the SOC statement following the Holy Synod session and a meeting with the President Aleksandar Vucic, Belgrade-based Danas daily writes on Monday.

Vucic to speak at least 2 hours - without announcing plan on Kosovo (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would today present to the National Assembly a detailed report on the current negotiations on resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. However, no detailed plan of the Serbian side which will be offered to Pristina would be presented at the session, Belgrade-based daily Blic reports referring to unnamed sources.

The source also stated that the details of the plan with which the president intends to go before Pristina and the international community will not be announced, so as not to jeopardize Serbia's negotiating position.

First session on Kosovo in Serbian Assembly in six years takes place today (KoSSev)

Parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija would be held on Monday for the first time in six years, even though the Serbian state leadership repeatedly claims the issue of Kosovo is a pivotal state matter, KoSSev portal reports.

KoSSev continued that according to some of the Serbian opposition members this session is another “reality show“ of the President Aleksandar Vucic and “a bait“ to bring the opposition back to the parliament. They have also announced the boycott of Monday’s session.

Srpska Lista after meeting President Vucic: “Ready to abandon these institutions again if needed“ (KoSSev)

“People who voted for Oliver Ivanovic in the previous elections now voted for Goran Rakic,” Mitrovica Hospital Centre Director Milan Ivanovic said on Friday, adding this shows that the Serbs did not kill Ivanovic, KoSSev portal reported.

Kosovo Serb representatives met with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric in Belgrade on Friday. In a joint meeting seven conclusions were adopted. During the press conference after the meeting Djuric noted it was one of “the most meaningful, perhaps one of the best meetings.”

Vucic: We have prepared strong measures as response to Pristina (RTS)

President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today with political representatives of Serbs and the most important Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, RTS reports. We have prepared strong measures of limited character as a response to Pristina’s behavior, however we would wait for the meeting in Paris, Vucic told RTS, after the meeting.

Peoples’ Party official: Opposition to comment on Kosovo report from Assembly hall (Danas)

Serbian opposition MPs who are boycotting the work of the Serbian Parliament will not take part in a discussion at the special session on Kosovo and Metohija, scheduled to take place on May 27, because there are no conditions for dialogue, Peoples’ Party (NS) MP Miroslav Aleksic said, Danas daily reported.

He added, the opposition MPs would in details comment on the report on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and provide their suggestions. Aleksic also said, the opposition would most probably present their stances during the session from the hall of the parliament.