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Street in Mitrovica North named after Oliver Ivanovic (Tanjug, RTS)

The Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly as per proposal of Srpska Lista adopted decision to rename Nemanjina Street into Oliver Ivanovic Street, RTS reported.

Municipal Assembly Chairperson, Dejan Guresic told Tanjug news agency that Kolasinska Street would also be renamed into Mitrovica Victims Street, to honour all Mitrovica citizens who lost their lives while defending the city.

According to Guresic, one of the most important streets in Mitrovica North, after planned reconstruction, would be named after Stevan Nemanja,

Miroslav Ivanovic: They are still waging war against Oliver (KIM Radio)

Miroslav Ivanovic, brother of assassinated leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Oliver Ivanovic said he is disappointed with the decision of the local authorities in Mitrovica North to rename Nemanjina Street into Oliver Ivanovic Street, KIM Radio reports.

“This way, they are politically clashing and waging a war against Oliver,” Miroslav added.

What are Serbian and Kosovo media saying about Abbot Sava Janjic? (KoSSev)

For days now, he has been referred to as an enemy of the state, as anti-Serbian, from much of the Belgrade media and by the highest representatives of Srpska Lista (the Serbian List) – the largest political party of Kosovo Serbs – just like in the years leading up to the war in Kosovo and the bombing of Yugoslavia when Milocevic and his party had the same words for Father Sava Janjic, KoSSev portal reports.

Serbian List: Dragutin Sava Janjic is no longer spiritual father (RTV)

Serbian List (SL) issued a press release on Wednesday in which they said that Father Dragutin (Sava) Janjic, the Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, with the statements against his country and the efforts to resolve the problems in KiM through compromise and dialogue, ceased to be a clergyman and became a participant in a political life, RTV reports.

SL pointed out that “now, Dragutin (Sava) Janjic, laments and complains because anyone dares to criticize and refutes his political views”.

Abbot Janjic: Media hunt agreed at National Security Council (Danas)

The Holy Archbishop’s Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) after the summer recess should hold a session on 30 August, however, it remains unclear whether the Synod would deal with attacks of the state officials against Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije and Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic, Danas daily reports today.

Serbian List replies to Fatherland Movement: Citizens forget nothing (TV Most)

Serbian List (SL) replied to the Fatherland Movement by pointing out that “Slavisa Ristic (President of Fatherland Movement) in his desire to hide the truth with thousand lies, was trying to deceive the Serbian public, counting on that the citizens would forget all of the machinations and political misdeeds which he has committed with former and current politically like-minded people and partners,” TV Most reported.

Srpska Lista, Djuric on kidnapping of journalists in Kosovo (RTS, BETA)

Srpska Lista on the occasion of two decades since the kidnapping of Serbian journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic in the area of Orahovic said this case must be resolved and the perpetrators brought to the justice, RTS reported.

“The silence of the international community and Pristina institutions about this case will not discourage us to keep reminding on the perishing of these honourable men, who were kidnapped just because they carried out their duties and were Serbs,” Srpska Lista said in a press statement.

Rakic: Vucic to visit Kosovo in September, present his stance (Vecernje Novosti)

Chairperson of Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic told Vecernje Novosti daily Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would come to Kosovo in September in order to present his stance on the Kosovo issue.

Rakic added, beforehand President Vucic would consult with Srpska Lista representatives. Rakic said President Vucic always consults with them, and now tries to ensure the Kosovo issue to be resolved in a manner that provide for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija better life and security.

 Srpska Lista backs President Vucic, criticizes opposition (Serbian media) 

The leader of Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic has expressed support on Tuesday for the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s efforts to resolve the Kosovo issue and called the opposition to end its “witch hunt” against the head of state.

Rakic told a news conference in Mitrovica North that the Serbian opposition should leave the Kosovo issue to those who enjoy support from the people. “The fate of the Kosovo Serbs will be decided by the people who won 90 percent support at the latest elections.”