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Serbian reactions on passing laws on KSF transformation, Srpska Lista MPs insulted (RTS, Tanjug, BETA, Vecernje Novosti)

The so-called Kosovo army is an army being created to threaten Serbia and the Serbs, Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin said, in reaction to Kosovo Assembly passing the draft laws on Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) transformation, RTS reports today.

Vulin underlined he would talk today with the representatives of KFOR in Kosovo and that the conversation would regard Pristina's adoption of the laws on the Kosovo army.

Serbs give up neither ZSO, nor living in Kosovo and Metohija (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)

The Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (ZSO) is not a political but rather living matter, and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija shall never give up on it and would continue living in Kosovo and Meothija.

These are the main messages from a gathering Srpska Lista organized in Mitrovica North today, on the occasion of 2000 days since Pristina took over obligation to establish the ZSO, and the EU guaranteed it with its signature, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Srpska Lista calls for a rally today to mark „2000 days“ of having no ASM (KoSSev, TV Most)

Srpska Lista, in a statement issued by TV Most on Tuesday evening announced it will organize a rally on Wednesday to mark the „2000 days“ since the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities was supposed to be formed according to the Brussels Agreement, KoSSev portal reported.

The rally is to be organised close to the Ibar Bridge.

Alliance for Serbia: Who stands behind threats of Srpska Lista (Danas, Vecernje Novosti)

“Following the latest threats by Srpska Lista from Kosovo and Metohija, that they would come to search the opposition leaders in their flats and houses, the Alliance for Serbia reminds they were waiting for them last time as well, but they did not appear,” Danas daily reports, referring to the statement of this political alliance.

“Probably they did not manage to (arrive) because they had to collect rents for houses and flats they all have in Belgrade first,” the Alliance for Serbia said, referring to Srpska Lista members.

North of Kosovo trusts neither Serbian nor Albanian politicians (RFE, Danas)

Around 88 percent of citizens in the four northern Kosovo municipalities, where the majority Serb population is residing, does not trust any Serb politician in Kosovo, while 99 percent does not trust any Albanian politician, Radio Free Europe reports today.

This is according to the survey conducted by Mitrovica North Non-Governmental Organization Aktiv, which in the second half of June interviewed 800 respondents from Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan.

Srpska Lista condemns wave of thefts affecting Serb community in Kosovo (BETA, Tanjug)

Srpska Lista condemned today the latest wave of thefts affecting Serb properties in Velika Hoca, Babin Most, Partes and Novo Brdo, as well as in other places in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

“These robberies and plundering most directly jeopardize survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and it is difficult to resist impression they are carried out with a plan to intimidate and expel the remaining Serbs,” Srpska Lista said in a press statement.

Ivanovic, Simic, Vulovic on Vucic’s visit in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)

Director of Mitrovica North Health Centre Milan Ivanovic told RTS Pristina’s threats can not scare Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and he expects the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would nevertheless visit Kosovo.

Speaking for the RTS morning news edition, Ivanovic said Kadri Veseli with his statements, tries to show that he controls the situation in the entire Kosovo and Metohija, including the north, adding that Veseli also tries to cause problems and destabilization.

Srpska Lista on Marko Jaksic: "A moral crumb“ who "left children without arms, legs or eyes“ (KoSSev)

"He (Marko Jaksic) attacked his country, President Vucic and Srpska Lista, and he praised those whom he had insulted many times while standing on a pulpit, such as the tragically murdered Oliver Ivanovic and Sava Janjic,“ Srpska Lista told TV Most in a reaction to the statements Marko Jaksic made earlier, KoSSev portal reported.

Serb representatives from Montenegro visited Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro visited Orahovac, Velika Hoca, Monastery of Zociste and Mitrovica North, KIM Radio reported.

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro said that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are ready to remain and survive in Kosovo, to preserve spirituality, statehood and set foundation for their future here.