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Marko Đurić invites citizens to vote for Srpska Lista (KIM Radio, TV N1)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Đurić issued a press statement today, by which he urged all Serbs in Kosovo to vote for Srpska Lista, Serbian media reported.

“I am calling on the citizens of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija to support the candidates of the Srpska Lista in the local elections on October 22, because in this way, among other things, they will vote against the break-up of links of Serbs in the province with the state of Serbia and against the denial of the rights of our people in the province on having their own national interest.”

Declaration on defense of Kosovo, Rakic's reaction (Kontakt plus radio)

Representatives of the Dveri Movement, Otadzbina (Fatherland) Movement and Genuine Serbia party, gathered in Mitrovica North on Monday, to present the “declaration on the defense of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo”. During the presentation, they were attacked by unknown people with stones and torches, leader of the Genuine Serbia, Milan Stamatovic told Serbian media.

The declaration reads that” “Kosovo and Metohija is an inalienable part of the Republic of Serbia, currently occupied, and it is necessary, without postponement, to inform the international public about it (….)

Srpska Lista condemned Nataliya Apostolova statement: ZSO will be established as it was signed in Brussels (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Srpska Lista, condemned in strongest terms late on Friday the statement of the EU Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Aposotlova, who said “that the Association of the Serb Municipalities would be established in line with the Constitutional Court from Pristina decision,” and added that Srpka Lista will never accept the establishment of the Association if not in line with what was signed in Brussels, Serbian media reported.

Srpska Lista: We will not give our votes to Kosovo Army (Vecernje Novosti)

Srpska Lista keeps the stance that based on the UN SC Resolution 1244, KFOR is the only armed force in Kosovo, stated Igor Simic, spokesperson of the Srpska Lista, commenting on the announcement of the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci who said Kosovo Army would be established by the end of this year, Novosti daily reported today.

“Our journalists objective and professional” RTK2 response to Srpska Lista statement (Kontakt plus radio)

“The RTK2 journalists always carry out their work in a professional and impartial manner, in line with regulations in force. We are paying particular attention before and during the election campaign,” reads the RTK2 management statement sent to the Kontakt plus radio.

The statement came as a response to the Srpska Lista, which said yesterday RTK2 journalists were unprofessional while reporting on the protest in the Vrbovac village.

Srpska Lista: Scandalous behavior of RTK2 journalists (TV Most, Kontakt Plus Radio)

Srpska Lista (SL) said today that yesterday’s protest in Vitina, held with the aim of a political promotion of anonymous individuals before local elections, brought to light, as SL said it, unthinkable and unprofessional behaviour of the TV RTK2 journalists, which as SL said it, was directed against Srpska Lista, Serbian media reported.

Russia Backs Serb Party Joining Kosovo Govt (Balkan Insight)

Vladimir Putin's United Russia party supports the decision of the Kosovo Serb party, Srpska lista, to enter the Kosovo Government, Belgrade announced on Thursday.

Russia's ruling party has lent important support to the decision of the main Kosovo Serb party - with Belgrade's support - to enter the Kosovo government.

Marko Jakšić: "Reign of terror is growing to serious dimensions, but Kosovo and Metohija are not lost for Serbs" (KoSSev Portal)

On Wednesday, member of the “Fatherland Movement” and a former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Marko Jakšić wrote an open letter to the Serbian citizens, because Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić mentioned his name on Tuesday evening, while addressing the Serbian public to explain reasons behind decision of Srpska Lista to support Haradinaj’s government.