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The Movement Fatherland letter to Putin: We want to know Russia’s position on Vucic's delimitation (Kossev)

„Mr. President, whatever the attitude of the Russian Federation – we will understand it. May God keep you safe and let Russia be as big and strong as possible,“ the opposition movement ‘Otadzbina’ (Fatherland) from Kosovo wrote in a new, open letter to Vladimir Putin in connection with the proposal for the ethnic separation of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo – for which they claim that it is represented by the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic.

Kossev: Srpska List and Srdjan Vulovic on Slavisa Ristic: “An errand boy of Ramush Haradinaj”

While massive protests are being held in the Serbian capital against the rise of verbal and physical violence in Serbia and the policies carried out by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, with one of the four demands of the protesters for the perpetrators and the instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to be found, the most influential Kosovo Serb party – Srpska Lista continues to sign statements in which it negatively describes those it sees as opponents of that policy.

Jaksic: Exaggerated stories on humanitarian catastrophe (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, representative of the national movement of the Serbs "Fatherland", said in an interview with Belgrdae based daily Danas that the state pharmacies in Mitrovica North are not full, but he says that they were not full even before the sanctions. The shops and private pharmacies are full and adds that they would be even fuller if Belgrade allowed alternative ways of supplying goods, but official Belgrade does not allow it, so it can continue spreading the story of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Fatherland Movement: Protests resemble requiem not demonstration (KoSSev)

Fatherland Movement from Kosovo and Metohija said in a press release that everyday protests organized by the Srpska Lista Crisis Headquarters in the north are “without energy, dispirit and apathic,” KoSSev portal reports.

They urged Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “not to hide behind the Serbs’ protests,” but to introduce reciprocity and that way fights against Pristina’s decision to increase taxes.

Movement Fatherland: ''Dacic is lying, the views of Russia and Serbia about Kosovo are not identical'' (Vesti)

"Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, that the views of Russia and Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija are identical, is a naked lie," says the People's Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, portal Vesti reported.

Srpska Lista on Marko Jaksic: "A moral crumb“ who "left children without arms, legs or eyes“ (KoSSev)

"He (Marko Jaksic) attacked his country, President Vucic and Srpska Lista, and he praised those whom he had insulted many times while standing on a pulpit, such as the tragically murdered Oliver Ivanovic and Sava Janjic,“ Srpska Lista told TV Most in a reaction to the statements Marko Jaksic made earlier, KoSSev portal reported.

Serbian List replies to Fatherland Movement: Citizens forget nothing (TV Most)

Serbian List (SL) replied to the Fatherland Movement by pointing out that “Slavisa Ristic (President of Fatherland Movement) in his desire to hide the truth with thousand lies, was trying to deceive the Serbian public, counting on that the citizens would forget all of the machinations and political misdeeds which he has committed with former and current politically like-minded people and partners,” TV Most reported.

Fatherland: Migration of Serbs with President’s direction (KoSSev)

“Following announcement of ethnic delineation with Albanians, in Serb areas south of the Ibar River a despair prevails (…). Authorities are provoking silent but efficient “Storm” for the Serbs, since no Serb wants to live in “Greater Albania,”” Fatherland Movement warned today, KoSSev portal reported.

Recalling that in 1999, more than 700 settlements remained without 200.000 Serbs, Fatherland claims Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accepted it “as a regular fact” instead to use these 200.000 displaced Serbs as a crucial argument in his negotiations with Pristina.

Fatherland Movement to Serbian President: Two “Storms” during your rule would be too much (KoSSev)

Fatherland Movement reacted to an open letter Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent to the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija last Friday, KoSSev portal reported.

In its reaction Fatherland Movement underlined “it is nice to hear President Vucic is concerned that people in Kosovo and Metohija do not face “Storm” operation, however we had lived through “Storm” already in 1999 when more than 200.000 Serbs have left their century-long home places. Since you were in power then, it would be too much to live through two “Storms” during your rule.”