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Viets: Government should be stable, many challenges await Kosovo (Zeri)

The German Ambassador in Kosovo, Angelika Viets, says that internationals do not want to get involved on creation of the new government.

She says however that they only want to remind Kosovo politicians to resolve this matter with great responsibility, being that Kosovo has major problems, which are at the same time major challenges.

NISMA’s Sherifi: Thaci heading to Brussels dialogue without Assembly’s consent (Zeri)

Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) secretary, Bilall Sherifi, criticized the decision of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels. In a Facebook post, Sherifi said Brussels dialogue should be preceded by an internal government-opposition dialogue in Kosovo which would result in “a national consensus” on the future course of action.

Kosovo's new assembly composition as "family affair" (B92, Zëri)

A specific feature of the new Kosovo parliament is that party leaders have made sure to also bring in their family members.

Pristina-based Albanian language newspaper Zeri is reporting this, adding that brothers Daut and Ramush Haradinaj are both now members of the Assembly in Pristina - with the latter being one of the candidates to form the next government in Kosovo, on behalf of the coalition gathered around President Hashim Thaci's party, the PDK.

PAN and Vetevendosje: No need for all-inclusive government (Zeri)

Pal Lekaj, outgoing MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), assessed that 11 June elections have shown who the winner and who the loser is.

“These elections have shown who the winner is and the winner, in consultation with all relevant factors, will create the government, which will give right solution to all the stagnated matters. We will be together, because united, never divided, we can do a lot for the country,” Lekaj said.

Hasani: Mandate for forming new government to go to PAN first (Zeri)

Former president of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, said in an interview to Zeri that the first attempt at forming a new government should be given to the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Initiative for Kosovo coalition, PAN, as the entity that has won the most votes on 11 June elections. If PAN fails at forming the government, it will be up to the president of Kosovo’s discretion to decide who he will assign the second time around.

Haziri: We are waiting for CEC to publish the candidates’ lists (Zeri)

Media speculated today publishing several lists with the names of the candidates for MPs from the LDK-AKR-Alternative pre-election coalition. However, deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lutfi Haziri, said these lists are not official. In an announcement for the media, Haziri said that only Central Election Commission can make the lists of the candidates public. “CEC is the only constitutional authority which publishes the lists of the candidates after the correction deadline,” Haziri said.

What can be expected from Thaci and Veseli? (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Lavdim Hamiti, writes in an op-ed that only “naïve” members of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) could have believed in the sincerity of their now-former coalition partners, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). He says the PDK’s former leader, Hashim Thaci, and the present one, Kadri Veseli, have built their entire political career on not respecting agreements and the recent case with Isa Mustafa is one such case.

60th EU birthday an incentive for a European Kosovo (Zeri, Klan Kosova)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova, in an op-ed on the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome considered as the first step towards a united Europe, said that this time is an opportunity “not only to reaffirm our commitment to the values and objectives on which the European project is founded but also to take pragmatic and ambitious steps forward.” With regards to Kosovo, Apostolova reconfirmed the EU position that Kosovo has a clear European perspective but stressed that this venture requires improved rule of law, st

Serbian List not interested on demarcation, only on Association (Zeri)

Leaders of the Serbian List do not consider their participation at the Assembly session on demarcation of the border with Montenegro necessary. They claim that if there is a consensus among the Albanian political parties, endorsement of this agreement would not depend on the votes of Serb MPs.

“The demarcation issue is complex and consensus has not been reached yet among the two major Albanian parties, PDK and LDK, so Kosovo’s direction for the future is under a question mark,” said Slavko Simic, from the Serbian List.