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Serbian Army ready to respond to threats, Army Chief of Staff says (RTS, BETA, TV N1)

The Army of Serbia is prepared to respond to all challenges and threats, Chief of Staff, Milan Mojsilovic said, stressing that citizens should not be concerned.

“We will be closely following the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (region),” Mojsilovic told Serbia's public broadcaster RTS.

Mojsilovic's statement came a day after Pristina authorities endorsed three laws on transforming the Kosovo Security Forces into an army, which raised the concern of NATO and UN officials.

Vucic to visit Ground Safety Zone (B92, Beta, RTS)

President of Serbia and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vucic will visit Serbian Army units in the Ground Safety Zone and elsewhere in southern Serbia, reports Serbian media.

The visit will happen "in the next 72 hours," reports said late on Thursday.

The Ground Safety Zone was established after the 1999 war and runs along the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Vucic on KFOR exercise this morning: Demonstration of force without any sense (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says, in Trstenik after opening the factory, he hopes that the international community understands that Serbia is in a difficult situation on the occasion of the announced formation of the Kosovo Army, adding it is the duty of the authorities (of Serbia) to protect "their face and national pride" without entering into conflicts, reports the regional broadcaster N1.

First meeting of General Mojsilovic and KFOR Commander (Tanjug)

Serbian Army Chief-of-Staff Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilovic met in Belgrade with KFOR Commander, Major General Salvatore Couci, Tanjug news agency reported.

This is the first official meeting of the two generals, since General Mojsilovic assumed the duty in September this year.

The two military officials spoke about current security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as about the realization of joint Army of Serbia and KFOR activities.

Djuric and Serbian List: The international community to react over the war rhetoric of Haradinaj (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said in a statement that the daily sensationalist statements of Pristina proved the best the status of the "southern autonomous province was not what they wanted and how they represented the citizens there," reports RTS.

Outsiders don't decide where Serbian military goes – Vucic (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that he had no intention of explaining military units' movements to anyone.

Speaking on Monday, Vucic added that no outsider would ever make any decision in that regard, Beta agency reported.

"It was by chance that the Serbian army and Gendarmerie were not where the (Kosovo) Albanian media had said they would be, but I won't make any excuses when they do get there, nor do I care what they might write or think," Vucic said answering a journalist's question in Zemun.

Vecernje Novosti: Serbian Army has response to Pristina’s plan

Possible intrusion of the Kosovo Security Forces to crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak would not go without reaction from Belgrade, Vecernje Novosti wrote yesterday.

As daily earlier reported, Pristina’s plan to take over control of the administrative crossing points in the north of Kosovo, supported by NATO allies, could “inflame” entire region and Belgrade through unofficial channels has warned important European stakeholders of danger and domino effects of such scenario.

Norwegian Ambassador: Grasping Presevo is same as laying hold of Kosovo (TV N1, Blic)

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, the Norwegian Ambassador to Belgrade, said that calling Presevo and Bujanovac “the eastern Kosovo” was the same as calling Kosovo Serbia, adding such statements were not helpful, TV N1 reported.

He commented on the Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj’s remark about the two southern regions in Serbia with predominantly ethnic Albanian population describing them as a part of Kosovo.