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US administration "denied Thaci's and Haradinaj's claims" (Tanjug)

Pristina's claim that possible future US involvement in dialogue with Belgrade is a proposal coming from the official US administration is "incorrect," Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who in Washington, told Voice of America, Tanjug reports today.

"The things that Thaci and Haradinaj are saying have been denied by the US administration. They even told (EU foreign policy chief) Federica Mogherini that they were not standing behind (Pristina's) statements," Dacic said.

EU on US involvement in Kosovo dialogue: "We work closely" (B92)

We are working very closely with the United States in the Western Balkans, Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for the European Union, told on Tuesday.

According to her, this also applies to "the question of (Belgrade-Pristina) dialogue on the normalization of relations."

Russian Minister Says Hague Tribunal ‘Should Be Closed’ (BIRN)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the UN war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia should have been shut down long ago because it is biased against Serbs.

Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that that the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY, should have been shut down because it has “proved its bias and one-sidedness”, Russian news outlet Sputnik reported.

“Haradinaj’s story for internal use” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic said to Tanjug that the statements of Kosovo leaders “are intended for internal use” and this is how he sees the latest statement of Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj earlier stated there is no continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without involvement of the USA.

“I would not comment on every Pristina’s statement, intended for internal use,” Dacic said referring to Haradinaj’s statement.

Is Presevo now special case too, asks Serbian FM (BETA, Tanjug, Prva TV, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he is awaiting the reaction of the EU and those who said that Kosovo is a special case.

Dacic, who also serves as the first deputy PM, asked whether Presevo - a town and area in the southern part of central Serbia inhabited by ethnic Albanians - was now also "a special case."

"When it comes to Serbia, it's about special cases all the way," he remarked.

Dacic called on the EU to make "a concrete statement" on the topics that concern Serbia and the Serb people.

Brnabic: Kosovo passports for Albanians from south Serbia not in line with Constitution (Novosti)

Commenting on the statement of Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj, who said that Albanians living in the south Serbia municipalities could obtain Kosovo passports and citizenship, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said such an idea is not in line with the Constitution of Serbia, Novosti daily reported today.  

"Double standards triple our suffering" - Serbian President (TV Prva, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic says that the suffering of Serbia has been tripled because of the double standards employed by "those whose part our country wants to become."

The Serbian president spoke late on Tuesday after his meeting with high-ranking representatives of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece in Varna, Bulgaria, and added that these three countries are "very important" and that they discussed "the injustice that has been inflicted on Serbia."

The Serbian Association not invited to a meeting with Haradinaj on the issue of the missing (KiM radio)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj will meet today with representatives of the government's Missing Persons Commission and organizations that are dealing with the issue of missing persons in Kosovo.

Representatives of the Serbian Association of Families of the Abducted and Missing Persons are not invited to this meeting.



Today (Sept. 20) is the 10th day since Ramush Haradinaj became the new prime minister of Kosovo. After a three month wait between June’s election and confirmation of his new role through the Assembly on Sept. 10, Haradinaj and his new government have spent the last ten days working on a wide range of issues, from local borders, to relocating residents, even North Korea’s nuclear threat.

Here are some of the key moments that have defined the new government thus far.

Haradinaj Has Been Useful Enemy for Serbia’s Leader (Balkan Insight)

By Milenko Vasovic, editor at Danas daily

Only Aleksandar Vucic could pull off the trick of making political capital out of denouncing Ramush Haradinaj’s ‘crimes’ – before then instructing his clients in Kosovo to make him Prime Minister.

Serbia’s former Prime Minister and current President, Aleksandar Vucic, reminded us of his political skills when he used the recent public focus in Serbia on the former Kosovo Liberation Army commander [and now Kosovo premier] Ramush Haradinaj, to score points, undermine the opposition and finally become President of Serbia.