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Drecun: Albania looking to annex our territory (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

Milovan Drecun says the "erasing" of the border between Albania and Kosovo is one of the steps leading to Albania's annexation of a part of Serbia's territory.

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija added that this would place a part of the international community that supports Serbia before "a fait accompli."
Drecun, a member of the ruling SNS party, told Serbia's public broadcaster RTS that Albania is doing everything to complete the violent annexation of Kosovo.

Beqaj: The idea of demarcation has diminished the value of the dialogue (Danas, RTK2)

The Draft Law on Dialogue with Serbia means the official Pristina new approach in Brussels talks, but the question is whether it is realistic and whether it will be applicable in the further course of the dialogue process, professor and expert for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Belul Beqaj said.

Trump to Vucic: We value your leadership, seize this moment (B92, Tanjug)

US President Donald Trump has sent a letter to Alexander Vucic, which Tanjug agency on Thursday said it had seen.

The letter, dated December 14, "stressed that the unique opportunity to reach a solution for Kosovo should be seized."

According to Tanjug, it reads as follows:

"Dear Mr. President,

Brnabic instead of Vucic in New York (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is not going to the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly next week, instead Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will go to New York, finds out Belgrade-based daily Danas from the circles close to the top state authorities.

Juncker: EU should stand united on Western Balkans (N1)

The European Union has to take a united stand on the Western Balks or others will shape its neighbourhood, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned on Wednesday.
“We must find unity when it comes to the Western Balkans – once and for all. Should we not, our immediate neighbourhood will be shaped by others,” he said in his state of the union address to the EP.

Zakharova: We will accept the solution that is acceptable to the Serbian people with respect (RTS)

Director of the Information Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova told RTS this morning that Russia's attitude towards Kosovo is consistent and strict. This attitude is built on three components - the international legal basis of what is happening in Kosovo, respect for the sovereignty of Serbia, independence and internal Serbian legislation, and understanding the interests of the people and Serbia as a state, Zakharova stressed.

"Putin and Trump to solve Kosovo issue in a minute?" (Blic, B92, RTK2)

There is "a great chance" that the solution to the Kosovo problem lies in the meeting between Russian and US presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, Blic write today.

Belgrade-based daily Blic adds that "the two leaders should reach an agreement on that issue."

The daily claims, citing diplomatic sources, that this is "the plan of the Serbian leadership and President Aleksandar Vucic."

"Return Kosovo to Serbia - then talk about sovereignty" (Tanjug, Sputnik)

State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Eurasian Integration chair Leonid Kalashnikov has called on the US president and the West to "return Kosovo to Serbia."

"Calling for respect of sovereignty sounds cynical coming from the president of a power that has destroyed the entire world order. Let's start with Kosovo. Who dismembered Yugoslavia? Americans went down that that road and opened Pandora's box," Kalashnikov told TASS.