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Merkel and Macron "must first mediate in Pristina" (The New York Times, B92, Blic)

The New York Times writes that German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron should first mediate between Thaci and Haradinaj.

The daily says that Merkel and Macron are to have "any hope of easing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and breaking a deadlock in talks on the normalization of relations" - then "analysts say they may first have to broker another peace, between Kosovo's two lead

"No progress, no failure; new talks in Paris in July" (Beta, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic says he does not think there was "any failure" at Monday's meeting in Berlin - adding that it's better to talk than not to talk.

Responding to question from journalists after the summit ended in Berlin, Vucic said that Angela Merkel's and Emmanuel Macron's engagement was very important and showed their determination to preserve peace in the Western Balkans, as by that they also preserve peace in Europe.

What is the double sovereignty? Dacic explains (RTS, B92, Beta)

Ivica Dacic said that it is expected that at the upcoming meeting in Berlin, probably would be additional pressure on Belgrade and Pristina to continue the dialogue.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that Pristina must abolish the tariffs for this to happen.

"There are additional pressures on Serbia in order to appease Pristina to suspend the tariffs, " Dacic said.

Vienna daily: Angela Merkel invited Vucic and Thaci to bury the exchange of territory plan? (B92)

Vienna based daily Der Standard argues that the goal of the upcoming regional conference in Berlin on the Western Balkans is to "bury" a plan on the exchange of territory, the portal B92 reports.

"The Chancellor intends to suggest that North of Kosovo receive a special status - this is also based and in the idea of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, which formation was agreed by the Brussels Agreement, but it has not been applied so far," reported Standard.

DW: The last battle of Angela Merkel will be Kosovo (B92)

The Angela Merkel's foreign policy legacy is also in the play in the Kosovo-Serbia conflict and the stability of Europe and the future of the Western ally, believes Bodo Weber.

A senior associate of the Democratization Policy Council, a transatlantic research center based in Berlin, reminds Deutsche Welle (DW) that the negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia on a comprehensive agreement, launched in 2012 at the initiative of Chancellor Merkel herself, has seen a major US diplomatic offensive since the beginning of the year.

Vucic: I told the Serbs to wait for the end of the talks in Berlin (Serbian media)

A meeting of President Aleksandar Vucic with representatives of the Kosovo Serbs was held in the Palace of Serbia. After the meeting, Vucic said in a press conference that he advised them to wait for talks in Berlin, where he will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, reports Belgrade based news agency Beta.

"Apart from everything else, Pristina is doing some other things. They want to revoke the right of Serbs to an opinion," Vucic said.

Vucic on TV Prva about dialogue and Angela's people (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in an interview for Prva TV, which starts at 13:00 today, will speak, among other things, about Pristina's action called "Steel Ring."

As announced, Vucic will answer the question on what kind of messages were transmitted to him by the closest associates of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he spoke until late last night, as well as what he told them.

Vucic will also talk about the current situation in Kosovo and dialogue with Pristina, but also about other open issues.

Blic: Angela Merkel’s key aides to meet Vucic (Blic, B92)

Jan Hecker, the most important foreign policy adviser to German Chancellor Angela Merkle and her adviser for the Balkans Matthias Luttenberg would visit Belgrade this evening, daily Blic reports.

According to Blic they would visit Belgrade after their visit to Pristina and would meet Serbian President Vucic either this evening or tomorrow, in an attempt to ease tensions between Belgrade and Pristina.

“This meeting is of decisive importance when we speak about the future of the dialogue and relations between the two sides,” diplomatic sources told Blic.