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Odalovic: Serbs cannot be silent over the Pristina's deeds (RTS)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic, told RTS this morning that the closure of all shops in the north of Kosovo is a protest that should show the general public that the Serbs will not be silent.

"The Serbs have to raise their voices, they cannot be silence over Pristina’s deeds. Pristina provokes and blocks the topic of dialogue, in which, it is brought before the final act to fulfil its obligations, primarily to form the Community of Serb municipalities", notes Odalovic.

German ambassador to Serbia: Brussels dialogue isn’t dead; it’s just not happening right now (Serbian media)

German ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb says that the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue is not dead even after the cancellation of the Paris meeting.

According to Schieb, the idea was not to change the role of the EU and the format of the talks, but to support the current framework of the dialogue.

“The dialogue is not dead, it is just not happening at the moment,” the ambassador told the state Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV).

No reason to meet in Paris if tariffs remain in place, says Serbian PM Brnabic (Serbian media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that she sees no reason for officials from Belgrade and Pristina to meet in Paris unless the Kosovo Albanians revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, reported Serbian media.

“We are always prepared to sit down with people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron as well as people from the region to discuss problems and ways to solve them,” Brnabic told reporters in Paris after a meeting with her French counterpart Edouard Philippe.

Serbia considering arbitration over Kosovo violation of CEFTA, Brnabic says (N1, Beta)

Serbia is considering possible arbitration because of Pristina violation of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday.

“At this moment, that is the only way to protect Serbia’s interests and have everyone who signed the agreement face the consequences in line with the contract they signed,” she told reporters at the 2nd Digital Summit in Belgrade.

Convicted KLA commander became Haradinaj’s adviser (Tanjug, RTS, KoSSev)

Sulejman Selimi, former KLA commander, who was sentenced for the war crime against the civilian population in Kosovo, currently released on parole, has been appointed as a political adviser to the Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, KoSSev portal reports.

The portal added, referring to Pristina-based daily Zeri that chief of Haradinaj’s cabinet, Avni Arifi has confirmed the news.

Djuric: Adoption of Trepca statute "new blow to dialogue" (Serbian Government, B92)

Marko Djuric urged the international community on Sunday not to allow the implementation of a law on the statute of the Trepca mining complex. This was adopted by the Assembly in Pristina the previous night.

Djuric, who heads the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, underlined that this would have the same consequences to the dialogue as the anti-civilization tariffs on goods from Serbia, the government announced on its website.

Resignations of four northern mayors (RTS)

Following the extraordinary sessions of the Serb majority municipal assemblies in northern Kosovo, mayors of Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok have resigned, Serbian national broadcaster RTS reports.

The reason is, as Mitrovica North Mayor Rakic ​​said discriminatory policy of Pristina. Courts in these towns also stopped working. The bodies/authorities under the Pristina administration in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, therefore, no longer exist. Communication with the provisional institutions in Pristina is discontinued, RTS added.

Serbs protest in Mitrovica North - Brothers and sisters, no turning back from here (Serbian media)

Serbs protested on Tuesday in Mitrovica North against what they see as Pristina's disgraceful moves, and the arrests of Serbs in this northern Kosovo town, Serbian media report.

The protest was attended by a large number of citizens of the northern part of the town, who were first addressed by the now former mayor, Goran Rakic, who, about an hour earlier, resigned along with other three Serb mayors in northern Kosovo.

Decision made: Serb mayors in north resign, end communication with Pristina (Serbian media)

The mayors of the four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo have signed a four-point declaration, after which they resigned all their functions.

At Tuesday's extraordinary meeting of the mayors of the municipalities of Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan, a declaration was signed by which the leaders of these municipalities withdrew from their functions and severed any communication with the authorities in Pristina.