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Fatherland Movement: Participation in elections in north of Kosovo contrary to Serbian Constitution (BETA, Danas)

National Movement Fatherland from Kosovo and Metohija, headed by Slavisa Ristic, urged all Serbs in the north of Kosovo to boycott mayoral elections in the four northern municipalities, BETA news agency reported.

“By taking part in these elections the Serbs as people are only legalizing and legitimizing yet another Albanian state in the Balkans. This way they are moving away from their motherland Serbia,” the press statement said.

Pristina's plan: Elections, riots, police incursion? (Politika, Tanjug, B92)

By scheduling elections for mayors of Serb northern municipalities, "Pristina is trying to destabilize Serbs." This creates the danger of protests and violence, Belgrade-based daily Politika writes.

Namely, if the Serb List, voted for by some 90 percent of Serbs in the last elections, decides to boycott the May elections, according to the Belgrade daily, that could lead to police intervention in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, "something that Pristina would then accuse local Serbs and Belgrade for."

Radakovic: Elections in northern Kosovo are test (Radio kontakt plus)

Director of the Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture (ACDC) Dusan Radakovic told Radio kontakt plus that the elections in northern Kosovo, which were called by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci for May 19, are a test (taking the pulse) of the Serbian community and opined that Serbs should not boycott them.

He noted the upcoming elections are a test to what extent the Serbian voters could influence the political structure and political power in the north and beyond, in other parts of Kosovo.

Simic: Consultations with Vucic over extraordinary mayoral elections in northern Kosovo (Danas, RTS)

Vice President of Srpska Lista Igor Simic told RTS that representative of the List would meet tomorrow with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic over extraordinary mayoral elections in the northern Kosovo.

“We would always consult with official Belgrade and make decisions in line with the interest of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija,” Simic said.

According to him, following the meeting with Vucic in Belgrade, Srpska Lista would announce its stance on these elections.

Vucic: Extraordinary elections possible (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the possibility of extraordinary elections, RTS reported, adding he would make a decision on that soon.

He said early elections are possible if the situation regarding Kosovo remains unchanged, respectively if Pristina does not abolish tariffs, so the talks can not continue.

“It is possible, in this case, to go for slightly earlier elections, if such decisions are made, and would they we shall see,” Vucic told journalists after visiting the hospital for children in Belgrade.

If there would be elections in Serbia, campaign to start after Statehood Day? (Prva TV)

If Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic decides that extraordinary elections would be held on 31 March, they would be called for on 30 January, latest by 14 February, one day prior to Serbia’s Statehood Day, Prva TV reports this morning.

However, if a decision is to have an election by mid-April, then they should be called for from 13th to 18th February. If elections are to take place, campaign according to this calculation, should start after Statehood Day (15 February), Prva TV continues, referring to the Serbian media reports.

Klacar: Extraordinary elections would not be surprise (BETA)

Executive Director of the Centre for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID) Bojan Klacar said it would not be a surprise if extraordinary parliamentary elections in Serbia take place later this year, BETA news agency reported.

He also opined that extraordinary parliamentary elections could be postponed in order to find a way and have extraordinary local elections also organized.