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FM Dacic comments on Hahn’s statement (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister and first deputy PM Ivica Dacic is cautious while commenting on EU Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn's statement about the possibility of "a land swap" as part of a future Belgrade-Pristina agreement.

Dacic told Belgrade-based daily Blic that Pristina - who last November introduced 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia, deadlocking the Kosovo dialogue - should make the first move.

Belgrade to consider countermeasures against Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian President and leader of the ruling SNS party told a party gathering in Belgrade that he would face a request to recognize a full independence of Kosovo, without divisions and "full and integral territory of an independent Kosovo," Serbian media reported.

He said he would speak with the presidents of China and Russia in Beijing and then head to Berlin for very difficult meetings with the leaders of France and Germany.

Vucic meets with Orban, governments to hold joint session (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Sunday spoke with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Subotica, northern Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported. A joint session of the governments of the two countries would be held in this town on Monday.

Vucic and Orban concluded that relations between the two countries are at the highest level in their history, based on mutual understanding and trust, as a result of many years of cooperation. They expressed their sincere commitment to bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation on issues of importance to the entire region.

"Don't call Serbia; abolish taxes and we'll come on our own" (B92, Tanjug)

"You have been destroying and undermining for long enough, there's been enough pillaging, it's time for someone to build and work for the future of Serbia."

President Aleksandar Vucic said this during a large rally in Novi Sad late on Thursday, addressing the opposition.

He wondered "why there is so much bile and hatred among some people who say they are involved in politics, but who want to take power above all by using violent means."

Kocijancic: First the abolition of tariffs, then dialogue (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

Brussels is informed about the elections in the north of Kosovo, EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic says, but also once again urged a quicker continuation of Belgrade and Pristina dialogue as the best way to resolve all open issues in the region, reports Radio Mitrovica Sever, quoting Belgrade based agency Tanjug.

On that occasion, she emphasized the necessity of a quick continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Serbian military brass warns against "any coup attempts" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia's top military officials met on Tuesday in Belgrade for a session of the Collegium of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff.

According to announcements before the meeting, they discussed security situation in the country and its surroundings.

The Serbian Army will not allow any attempts at a coup and warns that anyone announcing and demanding a coup should be held responsible in line with the law, a statement issued after the meeting said.

Dacic: We want to compromise with Kosovo, but haven’t talked concretely yet (N1, Beta)

Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister said on Monday the European Union-facilitated Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations would not resume until Kosovo’s import tariffs were in place, the Beta news agency reported.

The dialogue has been on hold since last November after Kosovo introduced the 100 percent import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and has been refusing to suspend or lift them despite pressure from the international community.

Belgrade considers launching arbitrage over tariffs? (Vecernje Novosti, Radio kontakt plus)

Belgrade is thinking of launching an arbitrage over the tariffs Pristina imposed on goods from central Serbia last November thus violating CETFA agreement, Vecernje Novosti reported.

According to the daily, this option is on the table since 25 February after the 90 days have passed when the Government of Serbia submitted an official request to the CEFTA Secretariat to have a direct consultation within the Joint Committee on the matter.

Djuric: Pristina introduced tariffs only to harm Serbia (RTS, TV N1)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said the tariffs that Pristina authorities introduced on goods from Serbia “had one and the only goal and it is to harm Serbia,” adding there was no other political idea or principle behind that decision.

Commenting on statement of Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj, who said the new tax policy achieved its goal because it harmed Serbia’s economy, Djuric noted this once again proved what was the motive to introduce the tariffs.

US envoy: No use of Belgrade - Pristina mutual blaming (N1, Beta)

The US ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott told reporters on Tuesday the situation regarding the European Union-mediated Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations was extremely complicated, but that there was no benefit from the two sides blaming each other, the Beta news agency reported.

The ambassador said it was necessary for both sides to sit down and normalise the dialogue.

“The US and the EU are steering both sides in that direction,” Scoot said.