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Janjic: Independence has not brought much good for the Albanians (RTK2)

President of the party “Active Serbia”, Dusan Janjic told RTK2 that since the declaration of independence, the situation on the has ground changed, but it is difficult to say whether the Serbs live in a better situation now. “A lot of things have changed with regards to the Serbs. Simply put, it has come to a point that even the illusion of the survival of institutional parallelism no longer exists and the process of normalization is underway.


Janjic: No giving up from A/CSM (Blic)

 President of the Active Serbia Dusan Janjic said that there is no giving up of the Agreement on the Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) because it is an international document, to which Pristina committed. "I call on the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, not to impose solutions that are not agreed, and the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini to act and put an end to such behaviour of Pristina," said Janjic.

Police to expand investigation of arrested persons near Decani Monastery (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo's Deputy Minister of the Interior Milan Radojevic stated today that police will expand the investigation of the four persons arrested on Saturday night in possession of ammunition and religious material in front of the Visoki Decani Monastery.

Radojevic further stated that police will expand the investigation to shed light on whether the case is linked to terrorism and religious extremism.


Serbia’s general elections also in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Serbia’s general elections are expected to be held also in Kosovo, and OSCE will be most probably requested to offer technical help.

There will be no local elections of Serbia, being that Brussels agreement obliges Kosovo Serbs to hold their elections according to Kosovo’s election system.

Head of the Council for Kosovo at the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun, told Belgrade media that Serbia’s general elections will be held in Kosovo, no matter eventual obstacles by Pristina.

Brussels hides content of the legally binding agreement with Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Nobody in the EU currently knows how the famous legally binding agreement between "Serbia and Kosovo" will look like. Head of the Serbian negotiating team in the process of EU integration Tanja Miscevic says: “Neither the EU, nor Belgrade so far defined what would be the end of the dialogue. Agreement on comprehensive normalization will depend on the course of dialogue. What falls under the “comprehensive” depends from the dialogue, and does not depend on EU talks for membership.”