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A Serb house set on fire in Klina (KIM radio, Kosovo Online)

Portal Kosovo online reported that a Serb house in Klina was set on fire between Thursday and Friday.

''Police and fire units went to the scene and the fire was extinguished in about 3 hours," Bozidar Sarkovic, the president of the interim authority of the Klina municipality, told Kosovo Online.

The Pesic family was "disturbed and afraid due to the burning of their neighbor's house," reports KIM radio, quoting the portal.

Kosovo online: Assistant Director of KiM Office stopped at Jarinje crossing (B92, Blic)

Assistant Director of the KiM Office Petar Petkovic was stopped at Jarinje administrative crossing and was not allowed to enter Kosovo, reports portal Kosovo online.

Petkovic has been waiting at Jarinje crossing for more than an hour, according to the portal.

Petkovic went to the first pre-election convention of the Serbian List, which is being held in Leposavic today at 1 pm, where he was about to speak on behalf of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Vujicic: Party New Power (Nova Snaga) to support the Serbian List (Kosovo Online, KIM radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The president of the Association of Montenegrins of Kosovo, Slobodan Vujicic, said in the Free Serbian broadcast that this association, as well as the political party New Power, of which Vujicic was president until a few days ago, would support the Serbian List in the upcoming parliamentary elections, as he said , the state project of Serbia.

Haradinaj: "I was told that nothing can be realized without Serbia's consent" (B92, Kosovo online, Gazeta Express)

Outgoing Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj visited Urosevac, where he spoke about the efforts to prevent Kosovo's partition in direct communication with citizens.

He said that there were times when he was told that nothing can be done without Serbia's "consent", Gazeta Express carried.

IDPs support the Serbian List (Kosovo Online)

Coalition of Displaced Persons from Kosovo has given its full support and made all its resources available to the Serbian List for the upcoming elections in Kosovo on October 6, reads a press release.

Coalition urged all displaced persons with voting rights to support the Serbian List in the name of unanimity and Serbian unity in Kosovo.

Haradinaj: If Serbia denies Kosovo recognition, why sit with them at the table (B92, Klan Kosova, Kosovo online)

Outgoing Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj stated that if Serbia denies Kosovo recognition, there is no sense in discussing things with them, reports B92 portal quoting Kosovo based media.

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj justified his decision to impose 100% tariffs to Serbian goods, presenting what coalition AAK-PDK has to offer now, reports Zvecan based Kosovo online portal.