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Sherifi: Thaçi planned participation in Brussels despite tensions between Kosovo and Serbia (

Kosovo government spokesperson, Arban Abrashi, confirmed for the portal that the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, will participate together with the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, at the meeting that will be held on Tuesday in Brussels.

Opposition: Serbian List was formed for Serbia’s interests (Zeri)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi told Zeri that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic appoints the Serb ministers in the Kosovo Government. “The Serb ministers in the Kosovo Government and the Serbian List in general do not represent the Kosovo Serbs but rather Belgrade’s policies in Kosovo’s institutions … Through the Serbian List, the Serbian Prime Minister is keeping hostage the state of Kosovo. Because of this relation, Kosovo does not have its army today and it even lacks full control over the whole police force,” Selimi added.

Bajrami: Demarcation will not pass (Indeksonline)

Representatives of opposition parties in Kosovo are adamant that the current version of the border demarcation with Montenegro will not pass and they also claim that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa is well aware of this. Valdete Bajrami, head of the NISMA parliamentary group, told the news website: “If he [Prime Minister Mustafa] tries to bring back the agreement we will reiterate our position against it. Our position is known and the people know that the agreement is damaging and unacceptable for Kosovo.

NISMA expected to address Constitutional Court on President Thaci’s involvement in Drenas municipal elections? (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) is planning to seek an opinion from the Constitutional Court of Kosovo on President Hashim Thaci’s involvement in the municipal elections in Drenas/Glogovac. NISMA officials however have neither denied nor confirmed the information. Citing unnamed sources, Indeksonline reports that NISMA is planning to hire an international lawyer for the matter. The same sources said NISMA have collected sufficient material which they hope will prove to the court that President Thaci is violating the Constitution.

Opposition warns: If demarcation returns, we will stop it again (Lajmi)

The news website reports that according to Kosovo government officials, the agreement on the border demarcation with Montenegro will be sent back to Parliament next month. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said recently that the opposition and the Serbian List are responsible for blocking the border demarcation with Montenegro and visa liberalisation for Kosovo.

Opposition MPs leave the Kosovo Assembly session (

 The opposition MPs did not mage to include debate on death of Vetëvendosje movement activist, Astrit Dehari in the agenda of the Kosovo Assembly session.  Two major parties of the coalition government, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), were against the debate.

Vetëvendosje movement MPs together with those from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), left the session.

Vetëvednosje seeks response (

Vetëvendosje movement MPs blocked today for a few minutes the Assembly pulpit, holding a banner with inscription “Justice”, requesting in this manner justice for Astrit Dehari, who died at Prizren prison.

Vetëvednosje movement leader, Visar Ymeri, held a speech expressing dissatisfaction regarding the delays on shedding light on the case of Dehari’s death. He said that Astrit Dehari’s death is responsibility of the institutions of the government of Kosovo.

 MPs endorse draft-resolution for KLA (Kosovapress)

The draft-resolution prepared by heads of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), has passed by 61 votes for with none against and 11 abstentions.

The resolution says that the Assembly of Kosovo pledges to endorse the Law on protection of the values of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its liberating war, within six months.

Opposition against “Unity Team” for talks with Serbia (Lajmi)

The opposition parties in Kosovo, the Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have not welcomed a proposal by Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, to have a “Unity Team” for the third round of talks with Belgrade. Vetevendosje and NISMA officials are claiming that Tahiri’s proposal implies new concessions vis-à-vis Serbia, while the AAK believes that the format of talks is more important than the representation.

NISMA: Thaçi’s call for solving of crimes, a false slogan (RTK)

In a statement to the media, Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), said that Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi’s appeal for resolving all crimes committed in Kosovo during and after the conflict is nothing more than a false slogan definitely not aimed at establishing rule of law in Kosovo. “This is an attempt to distract the public from many affairs he [Thaçi] appears to be involved,” said NISMA. It went on to call on the judicial institutions to look into the claims of the former Kosovo Central Bank governor, Hashim Rexhepi, that Thaçi instructed him to invest public funds in dubious schemes.