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Opposition to boycott the Assembly (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje Movement and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they would boycott today’s and future sessions of the Kosovo Assembly after discussions on the petition with over 30,000 signatures against electricity prices were not included in the agenda. The AAK proposed the discussion but it failed to secure enough votes from MPs. Meanwhile, the three opposition parties held a press conference announcing that they will boycott the Assembly session.

Grabovci: We are not afraid of protests (Zeri)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) led by Hashim Thaci believes the April 18 protest announced by the opposition parties – the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), is unreasonable. Adem Grabovci, the head of the PDK parliamentary group, told Zeri that the ruling coalition is not afraid of the protest. “There is no reason to be afraid because we represent the will of the people.

Fatmir Limaj: I will not remain silent regarding the judicial conspiracy against me (Gazeta Blic)

Fatmir Limaj, the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told RTV 21 that he would not remain silent regarding the scandal of judicial conspiracy against him, related to “Klecka” case. He said that he will act according to the advice of his lawyer and added that he cannot understand why President Jahjaga remained silent regarding this scandal. “In essence, we have violation of the rights, for which the President of the Republic of Kosovo is the guarantee, defender of the constitution in this country,” LImaj said.

Krasniqi: Ahtisaari’s package is being reopened (Gazeta Express)

After the question of the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, on who gave them the mandate  to discuss Kosovo's justice system with Serbia, Chairman of the National Council of this party, Jakup Krasniqi, also wrote on his Facebook page that these discussions are reopening Ahtisaari’s Package.

Exercises for "Democracy and state" exam" (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi writes that Kosovo government and opposition had their chance to use each other in order to draw the red line for Belgrade’s destabilizing impact in Kosovo “and to end the Jablanovic episode. However, he continues to be a Minister of Kosovo government considering for his chief the Prime Minister of Serbia, and using his opportunity to fail Kosovo.

NISMA to join protest on Saturday (Gazeta Express)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), through a press release announced that supports the  Saturday's protests organized by the “Cries of Mothers” Association and the Vetevendosje Movement. In the press release it says that NISMA is following with concern the recent development in Kosovo.  "The citizens of Kosovo have started to organize protests throughout Kosovo, to express their concern about the recent developments in the country.

Limaj: I was sent to prison by SHIK and two Frenchmen (Gazeta Blic)

The leader of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, said that Kosovo Intelligence Service known as SHIK in cooperation with two Frenchmen sent him to prison. During an interview for KTV show 'Rubikon', Limaj said that former head of SHIK, Kadri Veseli and the organization he headed were responsible for sending him to prison. "What happened at the Ministry of Transport was done by SHIK and certain people. Earlier when I made these statements nobody believed me.

Fatmir Limaj: Individual bargaining happened today (Gazeta Blic)

Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA,) made a harsh statement after the conclusion of the session of the Assembly of Kosovo. “Now I can say why the session was delayed so much: This shows that individual bargaining was going on. Kadri Veseli’s nomination for the Assembly Speaker is only an accommodation that PDK made to this individual and nothing more…We will work for this not to last,” said Limaj.

Mustafa wants Limaj in the new government (ORAinfo)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is adamant to include Fatmir Limaj’s Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) in the new coalition government with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Citing unidentified sources, ORAinfo reports that Mustafa has asked PDK leader Thaci to include Limaj’s party in the coalition, but Thaci did not say anything on the matter. “Thaci was reserved about the request, but he gave no final answer,” the source said.