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Veseli reelected President of the Assembly of Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Assembly MPs elected Kadri Veseli with 62 votes for, 52 against and no abstentions, for the President of the Assembly of Kosovo. This is Veseli’s second mandate as president of the legislative.

MPs also elected deputy presidents of the Assembly: Xhavit Haliti from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Aida Derguti from Vetevendosje Movement and Kujtim Shala from the Democratic league of Kosovo (LDK) and Alternativa coalition.

PAN confirms participation at 14:00 hours session (

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) Memli Krasniqi, told that the PAN coalition did not participate at this morning’s session as four of their MPs were not present. He added that chairman of the session, Adem Mikullovci interrupted the session without consulting them, and added that they are now ready to participate at the session.

“By all means, we were waiting for four MPs of our coalition who were late for the session. Two from PDK, one from AAK and one from NISMA,”Krasnqi said.


Limaj: Kosovo Assembly to be constituted this week (Telegrafi)

Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader, Fatmir Limaj, said today that the Assembly of Kosovo and the new government will be formed this week. Limaj made the comments as he was heading for a meeting of PAN and AKR leaders with officials from the Serbian List taking place in Swiss Diamond Hotel in Pristina.

Mikullovci waits confirmation from PAN before calling Assembly session (Kallxo)

Chairman of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session, Adem Mikullovci, said he was waiting for an official confirmation from PAN that they have secured the necessary votes for electing speaker before announcing the date of the next session. “I cannot call a session simply based on media reports,” Mikullovci said.  “The moment they ask for a session, I will call one,” he added.

Hoxhaj: We have the candidate but not the majority, we need more time (Koha)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, said today at the Assembly of Kosovo, that the PAN coalition has the candidate for Assembly leader but not the majority. “As agreed at our last meeting, we are here at the session today. I want to thank political parties that participated, because our country needs a policy of cooperation and consensus. I also want to thank Mr. Mikullovci. We are not here to waste time with delays, as major decisions await this Assembly,” Hoxhaj said.

Assembly session to resume on 24 August (RTK)

The Chairman of the consultative meeting of Kosovo political parties, Adem Mikullovci, announced that he will call resumption of the Kosovo Assembly session for 24 August, as proposed by the PAN coalition.

Vetevendosje movement did not participate at the meeting, while all the other political parties agreed with the PAN’s proposal to hold the session on 24 August.

The PAN representative, Enver Hoxhaj, requested for the session to be held on the date and also stressed that sessions should not be called unilaterally without a joint agreement.

Vetevendosje will not participate at consultative meeting (RTK)

Vetevendosje movement MP, Driton Caushi, said after the interruption of the constitutive session of the Assembly of Kosovo that his party will not attend the consultative meeting with PAN coalition, called by the chairman of the session, Adem Mikullovci.

He however stressed that they would consider Avdullah Hoti’s request for a roundtable where the possibilities to address the Constitutional Court would be considered.

Head of the LAA parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, and the representatives of PAN coalition confirmed participation at the consultative meeting.