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North Macedonia Supreme Court confirmed that former KLA member Morina won’t be extradite to Serbia (Beta, N1, KoSSev)

The Supreme Court of North Macedonia confirmed Tomor Morina, a former soldier of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) would not be extradited to Serbia despite Interpol warrant issued on Belgrade’s request, the Beta news agency reported on Wednesday.

After going through the documents that Belgrade sent on August 5, and having in mind the international practice so far, Skopje’s Criminal Court said a week ago that the conditions for Morina’s extradition were not met.

Albanian historians: ''Abbot of Visoki Decani to apologize for genocide of the Serbian state and people. The monastery is Albanian '' (KoSSev)

The Presidency of the Association of Kosovo Historians ‘Ali Hadri’, the Decani branch, harshly reacted to statements by, as they assessed, an anti-Albanian priest – Abbot Sava Janjic, who has been serving in the Albanian Orthodox monastery of Decani, a monastery usurped by Serbian occupiers – since the medieval period. They gave the statement last night for the Voice of America news program.

In Balkans highest concentration of jihadist returnees, Kosovo leads (KoSSev)

The Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) in its analysis entitled "Western Balkans Foreign Fighters and Homegrown Jihadis: Trends and Implications" reports that since 2012, about 1,070 citizens of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro travelled to Syria and Iraq, primarily joining the Islamic State, and to a lesser extent al-Qaeda (Jabhat al Nusra, more recently rebranded as Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham - HTS).

Sixteen years from the crime in Gorazdevac (KIM Radio, RTV Puls, Kontakt plus radio, Kossev)

The 16th anniversary of the crime against Serbian children in Gorazdevac was marked in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and with a visit to the graves of the murdered boys. Due to the disagreement between the parents of the murdered young men Ivan Jovovic and Pantelija Dakic, no memorial plaque was erected at Bistrica.

Thaci can still avoid elections, say interlocutors of Danas from Kosovo (Danas)

It is still uncertain whether the Pristina parliament will be dissolved on August 22, which would allow early elections to be called, claim Danas's interlocutors from Kosovo.

Some sources of daily Danas unofficially state that it should be seen whether two-thirds of MPs will vote to dissolve the parliament, and that Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci still can avoid going to the polls.

Making new connections instead new border lines (KoSSev)

by Steinar Bryn

After the breakup of Yugoslavia the International Community was optimistic in terms of a possible „europeanization“ of the Western Balkans. It was launched as the best strategy to integrate the new Republics in Europe and thereby securing stability and peace to start the process of building functional states. The EU, OSCE, UN all shared this strategy, and enormous amounts of human resources and finances were invested particularly in Kosovo and Bosnia Herzegovina.


Kosovo media published full names and photographs of private houses of alleged smugglers from the north (KoSSev)

The Kosovo media continue to publish the full names of individuals allegedly involved in the smuggling of goods in the north of Kosovo. Once again citing unnamed sources, the media claim they talked to one of the smugglers. In addition to full names, the addresses of some people allegedly involved in the smuggling network were also published, along with aerial shots of several family houses and business facilities, KoSSev portal reports.

N1 Kosovo correspondent receives threats (N1, Kontakt plus radio, Beta, KoSSev)

Zana Cimili, an N1 reporter from Pristina, received severe menace on social networks to her and her family’s physical integrity, the Beta news agency reported late on Thursday.

N1 Kosovo correspondent receives threats

The person who made the threats said it had “a life desire to kill an Albanian, even an Albanian child,” adding it hoped “for a new war in Kosovo during which the Albanians will feel Serbian rage.”

Kosovo Albanian reports Vucic to German police (N1, KoSSev, Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Albanian Florim Ejupi has reported Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for alleging that he was involved in the murder of Kosovo Serb opposition leader Oliver Ivanovic, the KoSSev portal reported on Thursday.

Vucic told a news conference on Wednesday that Ejupi was involved in the Ivanovic murder in January 2018 in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica. He said that Ejupi fled to Germany via Albania.

KoSSev interview with Haradinaj: The solution for our troubles is – there is no turning back, no partition, no union

Haradinaj stands firmly behind the position that there would be no abolishing of the taxes without the recognition of Kosovo even seven months later.

“The current dialogue did not move in a good direction. A dialogue framework is needed in order to sit at a table again,” he emphasized. According to Haradinaj, this framework is „recognition.“