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Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Minister Dacic at the UN Security Council session on the work of UNMIK (

Statement by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić at the UN Security Council session on UNMIK's work:

Mr. President,
Distinguished Members of the Security Council,

I thank Secretary-General Guterres and Special Representative Tanin for the efforts they invest in implementing the mandate of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) under United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1244 (1999).

UNMIK chief before the UNSC on Kosovo: The situation is fragile, can easily deteriorate (Serbian media)

"The leaders of all parties must act responsibly and direct the situation away from the escalation, to lead to the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue," Tanin said at a session devoted to the new report on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Speaking of the arrest of members of UNMIK during the ROSU unit’s operation of May 28, Tanin said that the Kosovo authorities violated a series of international regulations, quoted Serbian media.

Foreign Affairs Minister to represent Serbia at UN Security Council session (Beta, N1)

Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at the UN Security Council session on Monday, when the report of the General Secretary on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) from January 16 to May 15 will be discussed, the Ministry said on Sunday.

Ahead UN Security Council session, Dacic and Lavrov about Kosovo in St Petersburg (Tanjug, Beta)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in St Petersburg about the situation in Kosovo, prior to the June 10 session of the UN Security Council.

Dacic told reporters in St. Petersburg, where he is taking part in the International Economic Forum, that he introduced in detail the plan of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo to Lavrov, and that the head of Russian diplomacy told him that Moscow absolutely supported Serbia and that the support would be clearly expressed and at a session of the UN Security Council on Monday.

''Chepurin and Tanin about the attack on UNMIK official'' (Blic, Twitter)

Ambassador of Russia to Belgrade Alexander Chepurin met yesterday the head of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Zahir Tanin. Chepurin told Tanin that Russia counts that the UN will take all measures to investigate the recent attack on a Russian citizen, UNMIK's official Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, reported Belgrade based daily Blic, quoting Chepurin's post on Twitter.

Djukanovic: It is very important to hear the objective situation in the UN (RTS)

President of the Centre for Foreign Policy Dragan Djukanovic told Serbian state television (RTS) that the most important thing is to create the conditions for continuation of the dialogue that should result in final signing of an agreement on full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djukanovic said in the RTS morning news that the UNMIK announcement came with a delay, and it indicated that UNMIK did not have the same kind of data as the Kosovo police.

UNMIK: Kosovo Police's allegations about our staff are contrary to what we know, procedures and their rights violated, excessive use of force (KoSSev)

''The information presented by the Kosovo Police in its own latest press release is not at all in line with our information on the events, and no concrete evidence has so far been shared with the United Nations by relevant Kosovo police and other Kosovo authorities,'' replied UNMIK to Kossev portal's question on the Zubin Potok events.

Mihajlovic: Statement of PM Brnabic used to justify violence against Serbs in northern Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic said Pristina authorities are using the statement of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic – that Albanian political representatives in Pristina as former members of KLA “are people from the forest,” to justify brutal violence and arrests of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija by ROSU unit, RTS reported.

Vucic visits Russian UN staffer injured in Pristina's raid (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has visited a Russian member of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, injured on Tuesday during a Kosovo police raid in the North. The president wanted to know about Mikhail Krasnoshchekov's health.

The Russian citizen is currently receiving medical treatment in Belgrade's military clinic VMA.
Krasnoshchekov, who received serious injuries, was transported to Belgrade from Mitrovica North, where he was treated in the intensive care unit.