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Brush: Kosovo without a defined status is not good (RTS,Blic, B92, NMagazin,RTK2,TV Most)

The Deputy Head of UNMIK, Jennifer Brush said today that Kosovo without a specific status is not good for the people who live in it, whether Albanians are in question or non-Albanians.

Brush said in an interview in the program "Slobodni Srpski" (Free Serbian), that she hoped that the dialogue in Brussels would help to come to the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo in order to live normally.

The indictments directed against return (KIM Radio)

The Association of Displaced people from Đakovica/ Gjakove announced that the indictments against Serbs from that city should serve to hamper the return of Serbs to that city. “All persons who are on the indictments, announced by the Municipal Court in Djakovica/Gjakova, on the basis of which the EULEX issued warrants, are on the list to return to Djakovica, which was submitted to UNMIK, OSCE and other international organizations. On the indictments are persons who didn’t sell their property hoping to return to their birthplace.

General Momir Stojanovic will not be tried in Djakovica/Gjakove (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia is not recognizing the court in Djakovica/Gjakove, but in case UNMIK request it, Serbia could question General Momir Stojanovic, who is accused of alleged crimes in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999. There is also an option that the former chief of VBA (Military Security Agency) could be questioned in Belgrade by the EULEX prosecutors, if the EU mission will be interested for it. But Serbian state bodies certainly will not send Stojanovic to Djakovica/Gjakove. 

How Interpol is working in Kosovo (Politika)

The warrant was issued for Stojanovic at the request of the UNMIK mission in Kosovo. Interpol office in Kosovo operates within UNMIK.

UNMIK is the only authorized mission that has the ability to, through international cooperation, claim people and exchange information with the countries and organizations that do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state. In this context, UNMIK has the role of intermediary that forwards requests for warrants from EULEX mission, but also from the Kosovo Police.

EULEX filed the request for an Interpol arrest warrant (Danas)

Chairman of the Board of the Serbian Assembly for control of the security services, the former security officer of the Yugoslav Army and member of SNS Momir Stojanovic with 16 other citizens of Gjakova/Djakovica was found on an Interpol "red" arrest warrant on suspicion that in 1999 in Kosovo he has committed crimes against civilians. The EU mission in Pristina yesterday confirmed unofficial claims of the state officials in Belgrade that the request for an arrest warrant was filed by EULEX.

"UNMIK in 2002 terminated the proceedings against Ivanovic" (KIM radio)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that criminal proceedings against the SDP leader, Oliver Ivanovic and four Serbs, for alleged murder of Kosovo Albanians have been conducted and completed.

In the Municipal Court in Mitrovica Oliver Ivanovic, Dragoljub Delibasic, Ilija and Nebojsa Vujacic and Aleksandar Lazovic are tried on suspicion that they were responsible for the murders of Kosovo Albanians in 1999 and 2000.

As announced by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija against them UNMIK judiciary has led and completed the process in 2002.

KFOR continues to support and cooperate with the UN Mission in Kosovo (Kossev)

“KFOR will continue to support and cooperate with the United Nations, the European Union and other international actors. It will continue to support the Kosovo Police and EULEX,” said KFOR Commander, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, during a meeting with the Ambassador of Bulgaria in Kosovo, Nedialtcho Dimitrov Dantchev, reported KFOR. 

Bjelić: Trepca is privately owned company (RTK2)

Former Director of Trepca Complex Novak Bjelic said that Belgrade must not accept talks about Trepca with Pristina authorities, because, as he said, “it is a done deal”. "Trepca is a stock company, not a property of the state," said Bjelić adding that if the UNSC Resolution 1244 continues to be respected, Trepca cannot belong to Kosovo. 

Djuric, Pinter discuss Hungary's support to Serbia (Tanjug, Beta)

BELGRADE - Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric met with Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia Attila Pinter to discuss the support of Hungary to Serbia's EU integration and the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Djuric and Pinter agreed that it is very important to continue implementing the agreements reached as part of the Brussels Agreement (on the normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations) and that progress should be made by taking practical steps, the Office for KiM said in a release on Friday.