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There is still political interference in the media in Kosovo (KosovaPress)

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo, on Monday organized a conference with media representatives to discuss the state of the media in Kosovo.  Participants of the conference considered that the lack of financial sustainability of the media outlets and lack of modern business management methods are the key factors with large impact on the media and their independence.

Hyseni meets OSCE head, Jean-Claude Schlumberger (Koha)

Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, met on Tuesday with the head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jean-Claude Schlumberger. Hyseni and Schlumberger discussed the current cooperation between the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the Ministry of Interior. Hyseni assured the Schlumberger that this cooperation will continue in the future and expressed readiness for cooperation in the areas of law enforcement with the OSCE mission.

OSCE to support police in fight against corruption (dailies)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the German Embassy begun today a project to support the Kosovo Police in combating high-level corruption. The project, financed by the Government of Germany, will be implemented by OSCE mission and foresees the establishment of a key group of criminal investigators and prosecutors from the Kosovo Police and the Special Prosecution, as well as strengthening their capacity to investigate cases of high-level corruption effectively.

OSCE encourages women’s access to property rights (Epoka)

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo, in the period March – April 2015,  organized a few workshops on the topic of women’s property rights.  The participants were informed on the procedures on registering properties and equal access to property by women and men. The OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schulmberger, said that one of the reasons of gender inequality is connected directly to the unequal exercise of property rights.

11 years since "March Pogrom" of Serbs in Kosovo (Dailies)

Tuesday marks the 11th anniversary of the large scale violence organized in Kosovo against Serbs, known in Serbia as "the March Pogrom."

An ethnic Albanian ripping out the cross from a Serb church (Image made from RTS video)The two days of rioting and attacks resulted in the deaths of eight Serbs and 11 Albanians and injured 954 people.

4,012 Serbs were driven from their homes, more than 900 houses belonging to Serbs, Romas and Ashakalis were set on fire, while 35 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed and desecrated.

The indictments directed against return (KIM Radio)

The Association of Displaced people from Đakovica/ Gjakove announced that the indictments against Serbs from that city should serve to hamper the return of Serbs to that city. “All persons who are on the indictments, announced by the Municipal Court in Djakovica/Gjakova, on the basis of which the EULEX issued warrants, are on the list to return to Djakovica, which was submitted to UNMIK, OSCE and other international organizations. On the indictments are persons who didn’t sell their property hoping to return to their birthplace.

"OSCE and Serbia" receive support at UN - FM (B92)

Ivica Dacic says he is satisfied with a briefing at the UN Security Council on Tuesday, considering that "both the OSCE and Serbia received support."

"I am satisfied, because this is an indication that the OSCE, and Serbia as the presiding country, have the right approach and have realized the role to be an objective and honest broker in the fulfillment of what constitutes an agreement," Dacic, Serbia's foreign minister and OSCE chairperson was quoted as saying, and adding: "