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First chapters to open in 2015 (Tanjug)

BRUSSELS - The first chapters in Serbia's EU accession process should not be opened before the beginning of the next year, Tanjug learnt from diplomatic sources in Brussels.

The current mood among member countries is that additional efforts are still needed in the implementation of the Brussels agreement before an intergovernmental conference on the opening of chapters can be organised, Tanjug learnt in the EU seat.

Vucic: I respect foreigners, but they will not make decisions about Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

“Serbia reaffirmed its independence and sovereignty in decision-making by implementing its serious and responsible policy, and our job is to persevere, because that is the best for our citizens. Therefore, we will not change our position towards Russia and I am confident that it will not jeopardize our European road,” said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who in recent months was exposed to the pressures of some Western countries to join the sanctions against the Kremlin.

Whether our country can truly stand aside in the vortex of a new Cold War?

Aleksander Chepurin: Sanctions to Russia would harm Serbia! (Vecernje Novosti)

If Serbia would impose sanctions against Russia, it would “shot itself in the foot.” Such a decision could bring only "suicidal politician" because Serbia wouldn’t have any benefits from it, but only huge damage, says in an interview Aleksandar Chepurin, Russian Ambassador to Serbia.

All masks fell: Recognize Kosovo! (Vesti online)

Further European integration of Serbia is impossible until Belgrade and Pristina reach agreement, indicated Serbian experts on international issues. Analyst Dusan Janjic says that Serbia will have to resolve the issues that Germany insists on, including the fulfilment of the Brussels agreement, and adoption of a second framework agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Ban Ki-moon calls for special court for KLA crimes (Vecernje Novosti)

 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Kosovo authorities and the EU to ensure that a special court will be formed no later than early next year, which would deal with the issue of war crimes allegedly committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Kosovo in 1999. “I strongly urge the Kosovo authorities, as well as the supporting European Union structures, to ensure that a specialist court is in place by early 2015,” said Ban in its latest report on the situation in Kosovo, which will be presented to the UN Security Council on 25 August.

Drecun: Pristina slows down the implementation of the agreement (Tanjug)

The Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun said that there are many questions that need to be open in the area of normalization of relations, but it is obvious that the intention of Pristina is to slow down the process, particularly when it comes to the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO). "The key question is when the executive power in Pristina will be formed. Until that happens, we will not have collocutor to discuss the issue," said Drecun for TV Pink.

Belgrade does not implement the German policy in Kosovo (Danas)

“It is required to create the political basis for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) by adopting the statute, which is only possible through political agreements and negotiations with the political force that will be the backbone of the future government in Pristina. I expect that participation of now legitimately elected representatives of the Serbian people in provincial institutions will contribute to direct talks between us and Kosovo Albanians about the things that were already discussed in Brussels.

A hot chair awaits Serbia in the OSCE (Vecernje Novosti)

From 1 January, when Serbia starts presiding over the OSCE, a hot chair will await our representatives, unless the tensions about reheated cold war calm down. Assigning the role of first among equals in this society is considered a confirmation of the reputation and represents the signal that we are reliable, but the timing for presiding brings with it significant challenges for Belgrade, in the midst of conflict of EU and America on one side and Russia on the other.