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Serbian PM travels to Brussels (Serbian Government, B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will make an official visit to Brussels December 18-19. Brnabic will chair a meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council between Serbia and the European Union, the government announced on Monday.

Brnabic will meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Gunther Oettinger and European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom.

Dacic: Important that Serbia's position at the UNSC session is heard; Pristina to withdraw tariffs then the continuation of dialogue (RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told reporters ahead of the session of the Belgrade committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) that it would be difficult to change the attitude of the great powers on the formation of Kosovo Army, but considers that it is important that at the session of the United Nations Security Council is heard that it is a violation of Resolution 1244, the only valid document regarding Kosovo, reported Radio Television of Serbia on Sunday evening (RTS).

Head of EU Delegation in Serbia says Kosovo army must be in line with Constitution (TV N1, BETA)

Head of EU Delegation in Serbia Sem Fabrizi said on Friday that the Kosovo army should be formed in line with the Constitution which does not mean that today’s vote on three laws to transform the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) is contrary to it, TV N1 reports.

“Our view is clear. The EU shares the opinion of NATO that the transformation has to be inclusive, long-term and in line with the Constitution of Kosovo,” the EU Delegation chief said.

Draft Civil Code Phase II presented in Gracanica (RTK2)

The Kosovo Ministry of Justice, within the framework of completing legal infrastructure in the field of justice, presented in Gracanica the "Civil Code Phase 2", which aims to finalize a comprehensive modern code that meets European standards, reported RTK2.

The EU invested more than 2.3 million euros in this project, which continues to provide assistance in aligning Kosovo's legislation with European standards and strengthening the rule of law.

Will Pristina get the message: "This has to be withdrawn" (Tanjug, B92)

One of the topics at today's EU leaders' summit in Brussels will be the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Tanjug learned from the European Council.

Heads of state and government of EU member-states will, at the request of Cyprus, on the first day of the summit in Brussels consider the blockade of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, sources from the European Council said.

According to the report, it has been assessed in the Council that the blockade was due to the introduction of Pristina's tax on goods from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH).

"Belgrade and Pristina are to blame, not Mogherini" (Tanjug, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has rejected Ramush Haradinaj's claim that EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is to blame for the current state of the dialogue.

The Serbian President, who was in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday when he was asked to comment on Haradinaj's statement that Mogerini is to blame for the collapse of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, responded that he disagreed, adding that only Belgrade and Pristina could be blamed for this.

"Normalization possible despite current difficulties" (BETA, B92)

Federica Mogherini says she is still convinced that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could go on despite the current difficulties. EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said this in Brussels on Monday, Beta agency reported.

Mogherini also thinks that the two sides were able to reach a legally binding agreement to normalize their relations, but said it was up to Belgrade and Pristina, not Brussels.

Djukanovic: It is the last moment for EU to request Pristina lift measures (RTS)

Tensions have shown how much it is necessary to lift the measures introduced by Pristina in order to create an environment for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue continuation, Director of the Centre for Foreign Policy, Dragan Djukanovic told RTS.

Speaking for the RTS morning news edition, Djukanovic added new measures that Pristina is announcing would completely deter normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations and it seems it is yet another mechanism Ramush Haradinaj and his government are using to slow down or bring the entire process into question.

Lavrov: Kosovo - a question mark of the EU's reputation (B92, Sputnik,

The strengthening of the presence of NATO and the EU in the Balkans leads to a deeper destabilization of Europe, Sergei Lavrov has said to the Greek daily Efimerida Syntakton, quotes portal B92.

The Russian foreign minister pointed out that Moscow is concerned about these aspirations.

Lavrov: Brussels should not patronize Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

Moscow expects from Brussels to make Pristina fulfill its obligations deriving from the Brussels agreement and establish Community of Serb Municipalities, as well as not to patronize it, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, Tanjug news agency reported.

Russian Minister is participating in the 25th OSCE Ministerial Council in Milan, Italy.