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“Agreement of Pristina and Tirana is not naive, scandalous there is no reaction of US and EU” (Tanjug, B92, TV Pink)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the agreement on common foreign policy of Pristina and Tirana and joint embassies is not naive. She added it is scandalous that there is no reaction of the US or the EU regarding that, Tanjug news agency reported.

“It is terrible that Pristina and Tirana have signed an agreement to have a common foreign policy now. This is not naive; this is rather serious. The scandal is that we have not seen yet any official reactions either by US or the EU,” Brnabic told TV Pink.

Fabrizi: EU does not change stance on dialogue (RTS)

Head of EU Delegation in Serbia, Sem Fabrizi said the EU will not change its stance on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina regardless of election of a new administration, RTS reports.

He recalled the stance of the EU is the dialogue should continue and reach a legally binding agreement.

Speaking about Serbia’s EU integration he noted the message is clear – continue with reform and there would be progress.

Charles Michel heads Council of Europe, Christine Lagarde nominated for ECB President (Serbian media)

German Minister of Defence Ursula von der Leyen proposed for the President of European Commission.

On yesterday’s meeting of European Council, the decision on the successor of Donald Tusk has been reached, so Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel was elected the new President of the European Council.

Former President Donald Tusk announced this information on his official Twitter account.

Finland takes over EU, enlargement seems not to be priority (Beta, N1)

Finland took over the European Union six-months rotating Presidency from Romania on Monday and set the sustainability as its main goal, the Beta news agency reported.

During his country’s term, Finish Prime Minister Antti Rinne said that “the future of the EU should be social, economic and ecological sustainability.”

New Russian ambassador: The West is pressing Serbia and supports exclusively Albanians (Beta, Sputnik, N1)

The West's pressure on Serbia is obvious, and the US and its allies are encouraging Kosovo to maintain tensions in the region, said Russia's new ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Harchenko.

According to the Sputnik portal, he pointed out that these pressures are felt during the pre-accession negotiations that the European Union leads with Serbia, while the Americans are doing it in an even stronger way.

Serbs from Gorazdevac met EU representatives over hazardous waste disposal (Vecernje Novosti)

KFOR’s statement on hazardous waste disposal in several locations in Kosovo and that it is kept under inadequate conditions has confirmed our doubts that barrels transported by the trucks to the former Footwear and Leather Factory contain hazardous chemicals and that our protest was justified, inhabitants of Gorazdevac village said, Vecernje Novosti reported.

Luckily, this time representatives of the international community took our protest seriously, they added.

German ambassador to Serbia: Brussels dialogue isn’t dead; it’s just not happening right now (Serbian media)

German ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb says that the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue is not dead even after the cancellation of the Paris meeting.

According to Schieb, the idea was not to change the role of the EU and the format of the talks, but to support the current framework of the dialogue.

“The dialogue is not dead, it is just not happening at the moment,” the ambassador told the state Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV).

Dacic: Cancellation of Paris meeting proof to US that nothing can be done without them (BETA, TV Pink, TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday the delay of the meeting of Pristina and Belgrade officials in Paris is "someone's defeat," but least of which a Serbian defeat.

He also told TV Pink that there is not much grief in either Brussels or Washington that the meeting has been postponed.

US Ambassador: The US will not lead the Belgrade-Pristina process (FoNet, N1)

The US Government will not lead the normalisation process between the official Belgrade and Pristina, that is the European Union's (EU) job, but we will be there to help as much as possible,” US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said in an interview with FoNet.

Paris summit called off due to Pristina's behaviour in Berlin, says Djuric (RTS, N1)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Pristina said that Pristina representatives acted irresponsibly and arrogantly towards the host at a preparatory meeting for the Paris summit, in Berlin, which was one of the reasons why the summit was cancelled, reports Serbian media. Djuric added that someone in Pristina was very nervous and feared of Serbia.