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ARK: We will undertake radical measures if Haradinaj is not released (Telegrafi)

The Alliance of the Youths of Kosovo (ARK), the youth forum of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), issued a reaction today against the “unjust and meaningless detention” of their party leader Ramush Haradinaj by the Slovenian authorities. “We have decided to undertake radical actions that can result in unusual circumstances in the country. This is not what we want, but it is the only solution that is being imposed on us.

CDHRF reacts to vandalism against Slovenian businesses (Kosovapress)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has reacted today against the vandalism against Slovenian businesses in Pristina after the detention of Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj by Slovenian authorities in Ljubljana airport on Wednesday. The CDHRF notes in its reaction that attacks against the IPKO Company and the NLB Bank in Pristina are attacks against the free market economy and against possible future investments.

Kosovo urges Slovenia to release detained ex-PM (Reuters)

Kosovo's prime minister has called his Slovenian counterpart to ask for the release of a Kosovar opposition leader and former guerrilla commander detained on Wednesday on a war crimes warrant issued by Serbia.

The arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, who served briefly as prime minister of Kosovo in 2004-05, has infuriated Kosovars, many of whom consider him a hero for his role in fighting Serbian forces during the 1998-99 Kosovo war.

Ramush Haradinaj detained in Slovenia on Serbia’s arrest warrant (Koha)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj has been detained by Slovenian authorities in the Ljubljana airport on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia in 2006. AAK called for an immediate release of its leader saying this is an intentional attack on Haradinaj’s personality. Haradinaj was returning from an official visit to Germany via Slovenia.

Haradinaj reacts on the arrest of AAK official (Gazeta Blic)

Ramush Haradinaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), reacted on the arrest of the AAK official, saying that when state security instruments arrest a member of the Presidency of an opposition party, it cannot be called anything but a systematic terror of power towards the voice of the opposition. Muhamet Kelmendi, senior official of the AAK was arrested yesterday by the Kosovo Police in relation to a possible terrorist attack.

Opposition demands the government to cease any activity related to special court (Koha)

The leaders of the opposition parties through an open letter addressed to the President Atifete Jahjaga, Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, demanded the government of Kosovo to immediately cease any activity related to the special court. The letter stressed that the constitutional amendments for the establishment of the special court violate the constitutional provisions regarding the sovereignty of judiciary.

Haradinaj: Recent events in FYROM, shocking (Radio Dukagjini)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, told Radio Dukagjini that he is shocked with the recent events that happened in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).  Haradinaj said that  Albanians have never been better in the recent history than they are currently. “Albania is in NATO, Kosovo is independent while the Albanians in FYROM have moved forward, even though there is some stagnation,” Haradinaj said. He expressed confidence that the Albanians in FYROM to be united to enforce their legitimate rights to equality.

Haradinaj: AAK deputies will not vote establishment of the special court (

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has not changed its position on the special court. The leader of this opposition party, Ramush Haradinaj, said today that deputies of his party will not vote establishment of the special court at the Assembly.

“No, I had an opportunity to inform you about this. We have a political position, we do not vote the special court,” he said.

Good relations with Israel will be furthered with Kosovo recognition (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, met today with the Israeli Ambassador in Belgrade, Yossef Levy, who is visiting Kosovo. Thaci said after the meeting that Kosovo and Israel have many things in common with regards to history, culture and strategic-political orientations. Thaci said he hopes that the good relations between the two countries will be furthered by Israel’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

Haradinaj: This is a government of failure (Gazeta Express)

Ramush Haradinaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told a press conference in Pristina today that the government of Kosovo is a government of the mafia, the underground and organized crime. “This government has killed all hope among the people of Kosovo, it has triggered strikes, protests, disatisfaction and has forced people to flee the country as a result of deceiving politics, false promises and consequent failures,” Haradinaj said. “Only a capital change will help improve the situation in the country and will bring back the hope among the Kosovo people.”