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Haradinaj: Pristina – Belgrade agreement violates Kosovo’s Constitution (Indeksonline)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, during a press conference today said that the agreement reached last night with Serbia violates Kosovo’s Constitution and endangers its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said that these agreements are negative development for Kosovo.

Haradinaj: Kosovo should hold national elections this year (RTK/Epoka)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said in an interview with Epoka e Re that Kosovo should go to early national elections in October this year “in order to save itself from the bad governance of [Prime Minister] Isa Mustafa”. Haradinaj did not rule out the possibility of the AAK, Initiative for Kosovo and the Vetevendosje Movement, running with a joint list in the event of early elections. The AAK leader also said that the special court is an unnecessary experiment and that it benefits only Prime Minister Mustafa.

Haradinaj: Suspend the initiative on border demarcation with Montenegro (media)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has sent a letter to Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, Assembly President Kadri Veseli, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, calling on them to suspend the initiative for the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro. Haradinaj argues in his letter that the border demarcation suggested by the Kosovo government constitutes a violation of the Constitution of Kosovo. “The proposition violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo.

Gashi: Special court will not try Haradinaj or Limaj (Telegrafi)

In an interview for the news site, Pristina-based attorney Tome Gashi said the statute of the special court does not allow for it to try Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), or Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader Fatmir Limaj, because both men were acquitted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. “Some of their political rivals are implying that Haradinaj and Limaj could be tried by the special court. However, Haradinaj, as a senior KLA officer, was declared innocent in two occasions by the ICTY.

"No results without Haradinaj" (Danas)

Yesterday in Pristina, the main topics were “securing” of parliamentary majority for the adoption of constitutional amendments related to the establishment of the Special Court and details of Kosovo's candidacy to UNESCO. In both cases, everything revolved around the head of the Kosovo diplomacy and PDK leader Hashim Thaci, who promised the West that supposedly next week, he will ensure votes of the constitutional amendments necessary for the Special Court. Kosovo Assembly postponed summer vacation, and speculations from Pristina are that Thaci is missing a few votes.

Thaci, the most preferred candidate for president of Kosovo (Kosovapress)

According to a survey carried out by the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI), the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Hashim Thaci is the most preferred candidate for the post of Kosovo president. Thaci is followed by Albin Kurti from Vetevendosje while the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj is third. The survey also concluded that the decision on whether the president is elected directly by the people or by the Assembly should not be guided by personal ambitions.

Could Thaqi and Haradinaj trigger early elections? (Politika)

Is the wish of Hashim Thaqi to again become Kosovo Prime Minister maybe the main reason why last Brussels round of talks didn’t result in agreement between Belgrade and Pristina? Will the establishment of the Special Court for crimes committed by KLA (whose leader was Thaqi) be a trigger to terminate the coalition with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and result in the new elections?

Slovenian court gives Haradinaj his passport back, return to Kosovo expected (Koha)

Citing unidentified sources, the news site reports that Ramush Haradinaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), is getting back his passport after it was confiscated by Slovenian authorities when they detained him in Ljubljana airport on June 17. The Basic Court of Kranj, which was handling Haradinaj’s case, decided to return him the passport.

Mustafa: We will send draft law on special court to Assembly today (Koha)

Kosovo's Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that the Kosovo government will send the draft law on the special court to the Assembly today. Mustafa said he hopes the Assembly will discuss the bill on June 26. On the detention of Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj, Mustafa said his government is in constant touch with the Slovenian authorities and that he expects Haradinaj to return to Kosovo soon. Mustafa also ruled out Haradinaj's eventual extradition to Belgrade.

Into obscurity and indifference (Koha Ditore)

Columnist Lumir Abdixhiku says he doesn’t understand why Slovenia should come to the assistance of Serbia by detaining leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj. Abdixhiku adds that detention of anyone from Kosovo on purely political basis of another country gives a bitter taste to Kosovo’s dignity. Once Slovenia decided to recognise Kosovo as an independent country, it was supposed to consult Kosovo authorities on the authenticity and the nature of Serbia’s arrest warrants, suggests Abdixhiku.