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Veseli’s offer: Kosovo might go for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, who is also acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, will meet this week with the Prime Minister of Kosovo to discuss a new platform for overcoming the crisis. This platform could include an agreement on early elections, reports Top Channel.

According to sources of this media, within the cabinet of the Assembly President, the offer could result with a comprehensive agreement for early elections, but not in a short period of time.

Veseli replies to the Constitutional Court: Election of President, in accordance with Constitution (Gazeta Express)

After the request of the Constitutional Court, Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, submitted his version of election of the President of Kosovo at the Assembly session of 26 February. In a prolonged replay, Veseli stresses that the Assembly of Kosovo has elected the President in accordance with the Constitution.

Stojanovic: I expect forthcoming elections without problems (Dnevnik)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Branimir Stojanovic confirmed to Dnevnik that the upcoming elections for the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will be held in Kosovo. It means that the elections will be organized in all Serbian areas in coordination and with the assistance of the OSCE and other relevant international organizations.

Extremism increasingly present in Kosovo (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister of Local Government Administration and coordinator of the management team for the establishment of the Association / Community of Serb municipalities Ljubomir Maric said that the incidents that began last year (after reaching agreement on the Community in Brussels) are receiving new forms. He added that non-Albanians, Serbs in the first place, and everything which has characteristics of Serbian, become the target of extremism which is increasingly present.

Electoral roll is responsibility of the Ministry of State Administration (TV Most)

After the recently expressed controversy related to the number of citizens in Kosovo with the right to vote in Serbian elections, the President of the Republic Electoral Commission (REC) Dejan Ðurđević said that the electoral roll is the responsibility of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government. "Electoral roll should list the total number of voters without persons holding residence in certain municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija in which elections have not been carried out since the bombing," said Ðurđević.

SNS and SPS are ready for elections (KIM radio)

Although Belgrade has not sent a request to the OSCE to organize parliamentary elections in Kosovo, some of the parties have begun preparations for the election campaign.

Officials of the Republic of Serbia claim that parliamentary elections will be held on the territory of Kosovo, but OSCE did not receive a formal request from the Republican Electoral Commission.

Maric: Serbs to check whether they are on the electoral roll (KIM radio)

Minister of Government Administration in Kosovo, Ljubomir Maric urged Serbs in Kosovo to verify whether they were enrolled in the electoral register to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections for the Serbian Parliament on 24 April.

According to him, citizens will show by turning up at the polls that they want to be part of what was agreed, and that was the Community/Association of Serb municipalities.

These elections will be cheaper (Vecernje Novosti)

Dejan Djurdjevic, President of the Republic Election Committee (REC) said that his expectations are that these elections, organized for the 24 April, will be 100 million dinars cheaper than previous ones. When asked about the biggest expenses in the organization of voting he said that the biggest funds are allocated to the election boards. Regarding how voting will be organized in Kosovo and Metohija, Djurdjevic said: “We sent a note to the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija on Friday. We are waiting for their security assessment.

Djurić: Elections will be held in Kosovo, SNS will win (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said that the Serbian parliamentary elections will be held on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, adding that the Serbian progressive Party (SNS) will win in the elections. After the first pre-election rally of the coalition "Serbia is winning - Aleksandar Vučić," he emphasized that all Serbian citizens, including those in Kosovo and Metohija, will be able to vote. He said that SNS in Kosovo and Metohija is leading a policy of a united Serbia, which is garnering a high level of trust.

Coalition of displaced on the SPS list (Danas)

Coalition of displaced persons from Kosovo will perform in the elections on the list gathered around the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Danas unofficially learned.

The sources of the daily newspaper Danas state that "there was a mood" to enter into the coalition alliance with the Movement of Socialists led by Aleksandar Vulin, but on the eve of the announcement of early elections, there was a change of the decision.