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MEP: Kosovo key issue, Europe doesn’t want conflicts (N1, Blic, B92, RTK2)

The question of Kosovo is a crucial issue because it is necessary to know how to live with a neighbour to be able to exist within the European Union, Knut Fleckenstein, a member of the European Parliament (EP) told N1 morning show on Tuesday.

He has insisted that the EU does not want to import rivalries and that is why Belgrade and Pristina have to find a way to solve their problems.

Blic: The draft law about the ''negative connotation of KLA and the punishments for it"

The Belgrade based-daily Blic today writes on its portal about the draft law that ''would punish the negative mentioning of KLA crimes''. The daily states it had an insight in this draft law.

Blic writes that Pristina, in practice, ''wants to legally and formally amnesties criminals from their ranks''.

Two moves of US and Pristina in a day with the same goal, but can they bypass Russia (Blic)

Accidentally or intentionally, a letter from former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayle on the withdrawal of the UNMIK mission from Kosovo coincided with the adoption of laws in the Kosovo Assembly, which will allow Pristina to form its own army, writes today Belgrade-based daily Blic.

Brammertz: Victims in Kosovo are seeking justice, but I'm afraid it will take a while (Blic, TV Prva)

Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Mechanism Serge Brammertz said today that he does not know when the first indictments will be filed at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers for the crimes committed by the KLA in Kosovo, Belgrade based daily Blic reported.

"I know that the victims in Kosovo are seeking justice, but I'm afraid it will take time," Brammertz told TV Prva, when asked whether he was surprised by the fact that the Kosovo Specialist Chambers have not yet issued an indictment yet.

CeSID: 44 percent of citizens against delimitation in Kosovo (N1, Blic)

The delimitation between Serbia and Kosovo, as a solution to the Kosovo problem, is supported by 25 percent of respondents, while 44 percent do not support it, according to the latest poll conducted by the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID), reported Belgrade-based daily Blic, N1 is quoting.

CeSID conducted the opinion poll from September 5 to 20, covering 1,510 Serbia’s citizens over 18 years of age in a door-to-door survey.

McAllister: Accept Serbia's proposal; Merkel: NEIN (B92, Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes today, in an article ''EU asks Merkel to accept a deal between Belgrade and Pristina'', that European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister has asked the German chancellor to accept a solution to the Kosovo problem that Serbia proposes.

The daily Blic is citing a source from diplomatic circles in Berlin. According to the daily, McAllister, recently met with Angela Merkel and expressed his views on this sensitive issue.

Ambassador of Morocco to Serbia: We support the sovereignty of Serbia (Blic)

Morocco supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, and the two countries have excellent cooperation in international organizations and forums, said the ambassador of that country in Belgrade Mohammed Amine Belhaj, reports Belgrade-based daily Blic.

He stressed that there is no room for separatism in Serbia and reiterated that Morocco did not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

Popovic: No solution without Russia, China and US (Blic, Vecernje Novosti)

Negotiations on Kosovo under the auspices of the EU have yielded no results, without US, Russia and China it is impossible to achieve a viable and applicable compromise between Belgrade and Pristina, said Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popovic, adding that the issue of Kosovo slowly returns to the Security Council of the UN, the Serbian media reported.

Schieb: Germany wants a sustainable solution for Kosovo as soon as possible (Blic)

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb once again expressed the view that Germany is concerned and sceptical about the idea of exchanging territories, because that solution, as he said, could create even bigger problems in the medium and long term, Belgrade based daily Blic reports.