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Dacic to TV Prva: "When Vucic presented principles - Kosovo dialogue stalled" (TV Prva, B92, Blic)

Ivica Dacic spoke for Belgrade based Prva TV on Wednesday - without confirming that he is one of those who know what the Serbian plan to solve the Kosovo problem is.

The foreign minister and first deputy PM also pointed out that he "could say in detail what that plan may look like."

Del Ponte: It's too late for the truth about the crimes in Kosovo (Blic, Tanjug, KIM radio, RTV Puls)

Former Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY, Carla del Ponte, says that it has been a long time since the crimes in Kosovo, and that she does not expect the Special Court to reach the truth and to satisfy justice, reports Serbian media, quoting Serbian state news agency Tanjug.

"It's too late to establish the truth about the crimes committed in Kosovo, and especially about the Yellow House. We tried then to do it, but we did not manage,'' Del Ponte told state news agency Tanjug in a telephone conversation.

Rama: We encourage the agreement, it leads to the unification of Albania and Kosovo (Blic, Vecernje Novosti, TV Klan, Zeri)

Albania is encouraging the achievement of the final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, as it will enable the unification of Albania with Kosovo, said Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, reports Belgrade based daily Blic, quoting Pristina based Zeri.

Serbian Justice Minister: I believe there will be concrete results in the investigation of Ivanovic's murder (RTS, Blic, N1, Beta)

Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic said that the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted investigative actions in connection with the murder of the leader of the CI SDP Oliver Ivanovic, and that she believes that there will be concrete results although Pristina did not act upon and did not agree to the implementation of a joint investigation.

KFOR: ''normal exercises''; Leposavic Mayor: People were upset (N1, Blic)

KFOR spokesman Vicenzo Grasso confirmed the "movement of KFOR troops today and earlier days" in Kosovo and stressed that it was about "normal exercises," reported regional broadcaster N1.

KFOR is conducting regular training activities to keep ready to be rapidly deployed across Kosovo in accordance with UNSCR 1244, said KFOR and added that convoys moved yesterday towards Prizren and today towards North of Kosovo.

Blic: "Vucic is close to the decision on the elections"

Belgrade based daily Blic reports today that Serbia could have an early parliamentary election in the spring. Blic learns that the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, has talked with his associates and is getting closer to making such a decision.

Lawyers: The Serbs suspected of killing Ivanovic in illegal status of detainees (TV Most, Blic, KIM radio)

Even though the Appellate Court in Pristina adopted a lawyer's appeal to detention of the arrested Serbs, they remain in custody, and this decision violates all possible international human rights, said lawyers of Nedeljko Spasojevic, Dragisa Markovic and Marko Rosic, who were arrested in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, at an urgently convened press conference, reports TV Most.

Dacic: Number of states recognising Kosovo soon under 100 (N1, Beta, Blic)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic said that the number of countries that had recognised Kosovo’ independence would fall below 100, and then soon under the half of the 193 UN member states, Belgrade based Beta news agency reported.

Dacic told Belgrade based daily Blic that “Pristina authorities are in serious trouble” since their Interpol membership was supported only by 76 countries, two of which were not the UN member states.

Germany and US are inquiring about ‘’a secret deal between Putin and Thaci’’ (Blic)

The Belgrade daily Blic claims that the US and the most influential European countries are concerned already about the co-operation and contacts held by top officials of Moscow and representatives of Pristina authorities.

Blic says that more diplomatic sources confirmed that all presidents of influential Western countries ask about this newly built relationship within the EU institutions.

Merkel disappointed over the moves of Pristina (Dnevnik, Blic, Tanjug)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Paris yesterday, understood the latest moves of Pristina as a major obstacle in further continuation of the dialogue, writes Belgrade-based daily Blic.

According to Blic, during the meeting, prior to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, held at the initiative of the German Chancellor, Vucic particularly insisted on Pristina's decision to increase customs duties on goods from Serbia and BiH.