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Company "Koto": We found a hidden cultural treasure in a Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo (KIM radio, Tanjug, Blic)

The ''Koto'' company from Serbia, selected by UNESCO to restore the medieval Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo, has found cultural treasures inside the building.

According to Belgrade based daily Blic, the company "Koto" found a church with the remains of frescoes, a steam bath, the remains of a palace, two buildings, streets, a square, tanks with absorbent wells, while exploring the interior of the 400-square-meter fortress with the consent of the designer, supervisor and project implementer.

Education in central Kosovo and its problems discussed at the Gracanica Civic Energy Center (KIM radio)

Poor working conditions, insufficient space, reduced hours and work in shifts, transportation of students, delivery of books is some of the burdens on the education in central Kosovo, KIM radio reported.

However, the quality of children's education depends mostly on the teachers, agree the participants in the education debate held at the Civic Energy Center in Gracanica (CEC).

CI SDP will participate at the upcoming elections with the Serbian List-Aleksandar Vucic (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica Sever, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, RTK2)

CI SDP decided to participate at the upcoming parliamentary elections with other political options gathered around the list ''Serbian List - Aleksandar Vucic''.

''It is our view that now, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija need unity very much and support from the state of Serbia for the survival and preservation of state and national interests,'' it was said in the CI SDP press release.

The first indication of today's event was given by GI SDP activist Marko Jaksic.

President of PDS Nenad Rasic: ''Freedom'' of usurped people (KIM radio)

President of Progressive Democratic Party (PDS) Nenad Rasic formed a coalition Freedom (Sloboda), KIM radio reports.

According to Rasic, the coalition is made of Serbian representatives.

''Freedom of expression, freedom from corruption, freedom of the usurped Kosovo people is the meaning of the coalition in the true sense of the word,'' Rasic said.

People’s movement from Kosovo ‘Fatherland’ calls for boycott of elections in Serbia and Kosovo (KIM radio, N1, Beta)

The Fatherland (Otazbina) People’s Movement of Kosovo Serbs says that it would boycott, as they say, “false elections” announced the beginning of 2020 and called the Kosovo Serbs and displaced persons not to turn out to vote.

The movement is a member of the Serbian opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS).

"Change the format of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, a conference after elections" (BBC in Serbian, KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Two years ago, there was much more room for an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, but unfortunately it was not used, Austrian diplomat Wolfgang Petritsch told BBC in Serbian, and added that it was necessary to change the format of the dialogue and proposed international conference after the elections in Kosovo and in Serbia.

Sixteen years from the crime in Gorazdevac (KIM Radio, RTV Puls, Kontakt plus radio, Kossev)

The 16th anniversary of the crime against Serbian children in Gorazdevac was marked in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and with a visit to the graves of the murdered boys. Due to the disagreement between the parents of the murdered young men Ivan Jovovic and Pantelija Dakic, no memorial plaque was erected at Bistrica.

Djuric on change of government in Pristina: Serbs have nothing to look forward to (KIM radio, RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said this morning in the RTS morning news that it was necessary for Pristina to abolish taxes in order for dialogue to resume and any kind of normalization of relations to start.

Djuric said that when it comes to the change of government in Pristina, Serbs have nothing to look forward to.

Bishop Teodosije: Late Patriarch Pavle never supported division of Kosovo (Danas, Kontakt plus radio, RTV Puls, KIM radio)

On Sunday, Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije refuted the claims published by some Belgrade-based media that the late Patriarch Pavle was in favour of the division of Kosovo, reported Serbian media.

Bishop Teodosije opined that “the idea of a territorial-ethnic division of Serbia in KiM, which is nothing but an invitation for the betrayal of Kosovo, people and the state, all of us are being brought into a state of further confusion and hopelessness”.