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Opportunity for journalists beginners (KIM radio)

A series of workshops for journalists beginners from Kosovo and those who want to pursue journalism will start in March, and will end with study visits to influential and professional media outlets in Belgrade and Pristina in April, reports KIM radio.

Journalists and local media editors from Kosovo, colleagues from the Insajder, BIRN and N1 newsrooms will be transferring their experiences and introduce trainees with the basics of journalism and professional standards in their work.

Express: Zarko Joksimovic sentenced to 6 months in prison (KIM Radio)

KIM Radio reported, referring to Pristina based Albanian language newspaper Express, that former RTK 2 director Zarko Joksimovic is sentenced to 6 months in prison, under the charges of misusing official duty.

Presiding judge Hoti, announcing the verdict, informed Joksimovic that the prison sentence, with his agreement, can be replaced with a financial fine in the amount of 2.500 euros, KIM Radio reported.

Jaksic for referendum on Kosovo, but in fair conditions (KIM radio)

Citizens of Serbia to declare on Kosovo in a referendum might be the right solution if it takes place under fair conditions, says Marko Jaksic for RTV KiM, a member of the Presidency of the Movement of Serbs from Kosovo "Fatherland".

Jaksic thinks it's time for the Serbs to say whether they prefer the EU or to preserve Kosovo in Serbia. He notes that he personally opposes any division of Kosovo.

Ljajic: A referendum on Kosovo may be a good solution (KIM radio, NMagazin, Danas, Beta, Dnevnik)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic says that it is not realistic to expect a compromise solution in the internal dialogue on Kosovo, and that a referendum on this issue might be a good solution.

- It is not realistic to expect that a compromise solution is reached in the course of the internal dialogue on Kosovo, given the diametrically opposite attitudes prevailing in the society, so a referendum might be a good solution - Ljajic told the Belgrade based daily Danas.

KFOR with Rakic, Hodzic: To strengthen cooperation in the investigation (RTS)

The Mayor of northern Mitrovica Goran Rakic met KFOR Commander Salvatore Cuoci with regard to the current security situation after the tragic murder of Oliver Ivanovic, reports RTS.

Rakic says that it is crucial to strengthen the cooperation of all the security structures involved in the investigation.

Blic: A group of Bishops seeks the urgent Assembly and the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Kosovo (TV Most, KIM radio)

Six bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church have asked the Synod to schedule the Assembly in order the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) to determine and take a unique position on the solution for Kosovo, the Belgrade daily Blic writes today.

According to the daily, the bishops have been sending requests in the last two months, but the Synod did not specifically answer any of the bishops.

Dalibor Jevtic invited to the Prayer Breakfast (KIM radio)

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Kosovo and Minister of Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtic received an invitation to attend, together with his wife, this year's National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, reports KIM radio.

As reported, Jevtic will have a number of meetings during the stay in the United States with State Department officials, the Congress and the Senate, as well as other officials.

Riza Smaka: Political murder of Oliver Ivanovic with different interests in the background (KIM radio, Slobodno Srpski)

In the latest TV Show "Slobodno Srpski" (Free Serbian), a member of the Presidency of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and professor for constitutional law prof. Dr. Riza Smaka, in an interview with Budimir Nicic, says that there was no doubt that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic was a political murder from different interests at a background, KIM radio reports.

Ristic and Jaksic were not invited to the meeting (KIM radio, FoNet)

Independent MP in the Serbian Assembly Slavisa Ristic said  that he was not invited to a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the northern part of Mitrovica, reported on Saturday KIM radio.

Ristic, who is also the former Mayor of Zubin Potok, said he believed that, unlike Kosovo deputies from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in the Serbian Assembly, he was not invited because "there were not supposed to be people who tell the truth about what is happening in the north of Kosovo ".

Vucic on Saturday in Mitrovica and Laplje Selo (KIM radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic tomorrow in Kosovo, announced the Serbian Presidency on its web site, KIM radio reports.

President Vucic first will visit monastery of Banjska, after which he will meet with representatives of Serbs in Kosovo in the building of the Technical Faculty in North Mitrovica.

At about 5 pm, President Vucic will talk to locals at the Culture Center in Laplje Selo.