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Lawyer Vasic: Tasic defended himself with silence (KIM radio)

Special Prosecutor of EULEX for war crimes, Paul Flynn, heard Darko Tasic, suspected of committing a war crime against the civilian population, as part of an investigation into the events in Mala Krusa near Prizren.

Darko Tasic is suspected that he and his father and brother participated in burning and looting more than a hundred houses in this village, as well as for the deportation of Albanian women and children to Albania during the Kosovo conflict, reports KIM radio.

The Hague: Kosovo victims have right to compensation (KIM Radio)

Victims of the war crimes committed in Kosovo between 1998 and 1999, would be able to participate, through representatives, in the proceedings of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, KIM Radio reported.

The proceedings would take place in The Hague, while the victims of the war crimes would be able to, based on the court’s verdicts, receive compensations for the losses or injuries they had sustained.

Trials in courts in the North by urgent procedure and an admission of new cases (KIM radio)

Kosovo's northern courts provide basic services, including urgent trials, as well as admission of new cases, and provision of other services is expected soon - the Kosovo Judicial Council announced, reports KIM radio.

On its official website, the Council published an "announcement for media on the judiciary in the Mitrovica region", while informing citizens that, in line with the Brussels Agreement, "the structures of the judiciary of Kosovo function and in this region", the announcement states, from October.

Systematic violation of rights of Serbs in Kosovo (KIM Radio)

Serbs in Kosovo are the only people in Europe, whose rights are systematically violated and families of murdered and kidnapped persons have the right to truth, Serbian state officials said at the Memorial Room of the Families of Missing and Kidnapped Persons, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, KIM Radio reported.

Jevtic: Usurped properties huge issue (KIM Radio)

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevic said that Serbs and other non-majority communities in Kosovo must be provided with the same rights as other citizens in Kosovo, KIM Radio reported.

All people must have the same chance for normal and dignified life and it can only be achieved if human rights are respected, Jevtic further said.

He also said that one of the greatest problems in Kosovo today relates to the property rights.

Gerxhaliu: Trade is like water, it finds its way (KIM radio)

Good cooperation between the chambers of commerce of Serbia and Kosovo is an exception in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, says the president of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce Safet Gerxhaliu, KiM radio reports.

"Trade is like water, it finds its own paths," he says in the "Dogovor!?" TV show of KIM Radio Television.

Accustomed to injustice (KIM radio)

Yesterday in the Media Center in Caglavica, a debate "We are still victims of violation of elementary human rights" was held, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, which is being celebrated on December 10, reported KIM radio.

The debate was intended to show that human rights were violated in all segments, starting with the most elemental ones, said a journalist and member of the Association of Kosmet Victims Gordana Djikanovic.

Health station demolished in Suvi Do (KIM Radio, BETA)

The health station of Mitrovica Health Centre, located in the mixed settlement Suvi Do, nearby Mitrovica North was demolished last night and currently is not working, KIM Radio reported.

This is the second attack against this health station over the last month.

“It is obvious the attack is ethnically motivated aiming to deny Serbs access to health. The ultimate goal is to ethnically cleanse this part of Mitrovica North municipality,” Health and Medical Centre Director in Mitrovica North, Milan Ivanovic told BETA news agency.

Jevtic: To establish ASM as agreed (KIM Radio)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns said in a meeting with the Slovenian Ambassador in Pristina, Bojan Bertoncelj that concrete steps are missing in resolving the minority issues, among them the most important is the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities (ASM), KIM Radio reported.

“The beginning of the establishment of the ASM opens a door to continue dialogue in Brussels, and we expect the ASM to be established as it was agreed in Brussels,” Jevtic further said.

Peterle: The support of the Serbian List to the opposition candidate is an unusual event (KIM radio)

Head of EU Monitoring Mission Alojz Peterle says for the KIM radio that the support of the Serbian List to its opponent in Klokot in local elections was an unusual event that could cause technical problems.