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Slavko Simić: We have achieved the main political goal (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said yesterday in North Mitrovica that the party achieved the main political goal in the elections held Sunday.  According to the last data, Serbian List won 9 out of 10 seats reserved for Serbs, reported KIM radio.

Petrović: SLS has at least one mandate (KIM radio)

President of Independent Liberal Party (SLS) Slobodan Petrović told KIM radio that his party has at least one MP, and added that he was not satisfied with the results.

-We have expected a much better result; however, if we take into account the fact that the campaign and the Election Day were unlike anything before, I think, even this result presents a great result for the Independent Liberal Party (SLS).

Gorani seek dismissal of Adem Hoxha (KIM radio)

Citizens' Initiative of Gorani seek from the President of Serbia and the Government to dismiss president of the Interim body of the Government of Serbia for the municipality of Gora Adem Hoxha, because, as they say, abuse of the office and threats to Gorani, report KIM radio.

KIM radio reports that the announcement of the Initiative states that Hoxha by abusing the office threatened Gorani that they will lose job, pension, health and social security, if they do not vote for his list in the Sunday's elections.

Petrović: If we wanted, we could support the establishment of an Army (KIM radio)

President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) Slobodan Petrović responded on increasingly frequent statements by representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Serbian List that in the case of support to other candidates it would mean the vote for an army of Kosovo, by calling them 'false and insane', reports KIM radio.

Simić: Priština behind Jablanović clan (KIM radio)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić says that there is no doubt that Pristina is trying to provoke tensions ahead of elections in Kosovo, reported KIM radio.

He said that this is the role of some supposedly Serbian politicians who are nominated by Albanian parties in order to abuse them for their own interests.

Simić told reporters that the mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanović and his son Aleksandar are a clan in the service of Pristina.

Jablanović charged for the illegal possession of a weapon (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police for North told Kontakt Plus radio that the case was opened by order of the prosecutor.

After consultation with the competent prosecutor, against the president of PKS Aleksandar Jablanović were filed criminal charges for unauthorized possession and use of weapons, after yesterday's incident in Leposavić/Leposaviq.