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Albanian lobbyists, Clinton Foundation drafting resolution to make Pristina UN observer (InSerbia, Sputnik, B92)

Following the announcement of internal dialogue on Kosovo, Albanian lobbyists are busily preparing a resolution for the UN in order to give Kosovo a chair.

According to Sputnik, lobbyists in America are working on the draft, helped by the Clinton Foundation, and their plan is for Kosovo to gain the status of “an observer state,” modeled after Palestine.

Bus departures canceled as 100s of Albanians leave Kosovo (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

For several nights in a row, hundreds of people have been arriving at the bus station in Pristina, looking for ways to reach the countries of Western Europe.

RTS reported this late on Thursday.

Many people are at the station when there are no departures, except for Belgrade - and Belgrade, they say, is the first step on their way to Western Europe.


Details emerging about arrest in Kosovo of displaced Serb (B92, Politika)

The lawyer of a Serb who was arrested in Kosovo claims his client was detained based on the statements made by one person, and with no evidence whatsoever.

Dejan Vasic told the Belgrade daily Politika that the defense team of Bogdan Mitrovic has submitted to the war crimes prosecutor in Pristina a proposal to present evidence and hear witnesses.

B92: Why not put all your eggs in EU basket, asks US official (Serbian media)

US State Department official Hoyt Bryan Yee thinks that "integration and transformation" of the Western Balkans is in the interests of Brussels, and the region.

Speaking in Bled, Slovenia, he added that the readiness for this on the part of EU institutions is what is currently missing.

Government officials react after being stopped at Jarinje (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo police have prevented Education Minister Mladen Sarcevic and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric from entering Kosovo.

They were stopped on Monday at Jarinje - an administrative crossing between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Tanjug is reporting that Sarcevic and Djuric were on their way to Kosovska Mitorivca, where they were to open a student health-care institution at the Student Center.

Vucic: Our questions will give them headache (B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that Serbia "will not weaken, as some would want it to, but will grow stronger."

He spoke in the context of the arrest of a displaced Serb in Kosovo, and new provocations coming out of Croatia.

Vucic said Thursday's meeting in Brussels with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci would be "influenced" by the arrest of Bogdan Mitrovic.

Balkans "not EU's backyard, it's our 4th priority" (B92, Beta)

The Balkans is "one of four priorities" of EU's foreign policy, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said, Beta reported.

According to the EEAS website, Mogherini, speaking at the opening of the EU Ambassadors conference in Brussels, said that the Balkans was the organization's fourth priority.

"Still looking at our immediate neighborhood, but this is the file on which, as you know very well, we have more to lose and more to gain," she said.

Serb-Albanian ties "better than ever" - says Serbian PM (Albanian Daily News)

"I think that the relations between Serbia and Albania are doing better than any time. This is a very positive sign. Certainly, it is really, first and foremost, thanks to Prime Minister Edi Rama and President Aleksandar Vucic," the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, has said.

Serbia's Iconic B92 TV Officially Becomes History (Balkan Insight)

The legendary B92 station, which became synonymous with resistance to Slobodan Milosevic's regime during the 1990s, is about to be rebranded as O2 television, closing a page in Serbian history.

Serbia's once iconic B92 TV station will officially pass into history as the name changes to O2 television, media reports have announced.

Dusan Masic, a former Radio B92 journalist and the author of a book about the radio station, “Waves of Serbia”, told BIRN that latest decision on changing the name would make the sale of B92 easier.