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B92 to become 02 TV (Blic, N1)

B92 TV, in the following days would change its name into 02 TV, Serbian daily Blic reported.

Blic’s source claims it became obvious that the current TV station has nothing to do with the old concept of the B92, so such decision was expected. The new programme concept was agreed upon, in line with new world trends and demands of the viewers.


B92: Sputnik writes about "secret recipe for Kosovo army" (Sputnik, KIM radio)

Alongside the negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority in Pristina, preparations are being made to transform the Kosovo Security Force into an army.

Sputnik is reporting it learned unofficially that the formation of the Kosovo army will be an item of the agenda of a future government, and of the Assembly in Pristina.

Dacic: This was our message to Skopje - we know everything you do (B92, TV Pink)

Serbia's decision to withdraw its embassy staff from Macedonia is in fact "a message to Skopje."

The message is that Serbia "knows what they laid their heads together for, and what they agreed on," First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday.

"That's something not done among friends," Dacic said referring to Skopje's actions, and added that despite this, Serbia was seeking "good relations with all countries in the region, for the sake of peace and stability."

B92: Macedonian intel services followed Serbian diplomats – daily

It has been established that Macedonia's intelligence services followed and illegally "processed" Serbian diplomats, writes the daily Blic.

The newspaper further states that "foreign powers" were also involved in intelligence activities undertaken against Serbia.

"Serbian diplomats were followed without any reason, and even the method of intimidation was used. Some of the pressure that was applied was okayed by foreigners," a source has told the Belgrade daily, and added:

"Bring W. Balkans into EU to keep Turkey and Russia at bay" (B92)

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has called on the EU "to bring the Balkans into its orbit."

In an interview for Germany's Handelsblatt, quoted by Tanjug, Kurz "warned of the growing influence of Turkey and Saudi Arabia."

"In Sarajevo and Pristina, for example, women are paid to wear the full veil in public. We cannot look on and do nothing," the Austrian minister said.

Vučić: Personnel withdrawn due to offensive intelligence (Beta, B92, Sputnik)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that it was decided to withdraw embassy staff from FYROM because the competent authorities provided evidence of very offensive intelligence against the bodies and institutions of Serbia.

Vučić told reporters in Baric, near Belgrade, that there were several reasons for that decision, but that "competent authorities" had established this and presented to him and the Government of Serbia evidence of such action.

"We should ask for EU's concessions to stop blocking Kosovo" (B92, Blic)

Rasim Ljajic believes that a frozen conflict related to the Kosovo issue does not suit Serbia, and proposes "normalization without recognition" as a solution.

The minister of trade, telecommunications, and tourism, who also serves as a deputy PM and is the leader of the SDPS party, is the latest Serbian official to write an op-ed on this topic for a Belgrade newspaper, since President Aleksandar Vucic launched his "internal dialogue on Kosovo."

Entire staff of Serbian embassy withdrawn from Skopje (Serbian media)

RTS is reporting it received confirmation that the entire staff of the Serbian embassy in Skopje has been withdrawn for urgent consultations in Belgrade.

Serbian Ambassador Dusanka Divjak-Tomic and the staff, as stated, arrived last night (Sunday) in Belgrade. A detailed explanation of what is happening will be given during the day today by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić, said RTS.

Sparks fly at UNSC session between Belgrade and Pristina (B92)

The end of Wednesday's UN Security Council on Kosovo session saw "a fierce debate" between Serbian FM Ivica Dacic and Kosovo's US ambassador, Vlora Citaku.

On that occasion, Dacic told the Western countries they were hurting the Serbian people by advocating the abolition of UNMIK, the UN mission in Kosovo and Metohija - something also supported by Pristina, but opposed by Serbia, Russia, and China.
