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USA admonishes Pristina (Novosti)

The confusing political situation in Kosovo should be finally clarified this week, Novosti daily reported today.

According to the daily, it would be clear whether Pristina will get a new government or new elections are underway. It all depends upon the meeting of the leading political parties, scheduled for the coming Wednesday, following the two failed constitutive attempts, more respectively election of the Assembly Speaker, vice presidents and working bodies.

Osmani: We do not vote Veseli and Haradinaj (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani expressed her conviction that MPs from the LAA coalition will not vote Kadri Veseli for Assembly Presidemt or Ramush Haradinaj for Prime Minister of Kosovo.

She also added that statements from the PAN coalition that they have the sufficient votes to create the government, are not true.

Konjufca: We do not want blockade, but name of Assembly President is important (Koha)

Vetvendosje MP, Glauk Konjufca said today that “the PAN coalition does not have the numbers to create the government or to vote the Assembly President, however he added, it can happen that some MP decides to join this coalition.

After his registration as Kosovo Assembly MP, Konjufca said “Vetevendosje is not for blockade of any process in an unreasonable manner, however the name proposed for the Assembly President is very important for us,” he said.

He reiterated Vetevendosje’s official decision that they would not vote Kadri Veseli for Assembly President.

Deda: We will not vote Veseli and Haradinaj (Lajmi)

LAA coalition appears to be determined not to vote the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli for the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, and neither the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, for the position of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. This was reiterated today by LAA MP, Ilir Deda.

Vetevendosje would not vote Veseli for Assembly President (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, told Telegrafi that Kadri Veseli is a divisive figure and that he is not worthy for President of the Assembly of Kosovo. She added that the Assembly President should be a personality who represents unity. She also suggested to the Democratic Party of Kosovo to consider some other candidate who is worthy of being Assembly President. “We would not vote a figure such as Kadri Veseli for Assembly President,” she said.

Veseli: New government in July, we will discuss coalitions with parties not individuals (EO)

In an interview to Ekonomia Online, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, said the winning coalition has a constitutional right to form the new government and that a possible deadlock serves no one's interests in Kosovo. “Once results are certified, very soon, in the first half of July, we expect to have new institutions in place”, Veseli said.

Ahmeti: Veseli’s statements remind me of Gruevski (Klan Kosova)

Shpend Ahmeti, Pristina mayor from Vetvendosje movement, said that the statements of the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli and the others from the same party, remind him of former PM Gruevski from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “Parliamentarian republic and democracy are the same everywhere, majority is a majority. Who has 61 MPs creates the government. This was also confirmed both in Macedonia and Kosovo by the EU and the U.S. Add to this political legitimacy that majority of people in Kosovo voted for change.

Kosovo Assembly discontinues benefits for MPs (RTK)

The outgoing presidency of the Kosovo Assembly decided today to end the mandate of all MPs including all the benefits they are entitled to. Outgoing Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said that although they had some difficult times during this mandate, the Assembly managed to preserve democracy. He said however that he would want to see more “responsible” MPs in the next legislature.

What can be expected from Thaci and Veseli? (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Lavdim Hamiti, writes in an op-ed that only “naïve” members of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) could have believed in the sincerity of their now-former coalition partners, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). He says the PDK’s former leader, Hashim Thaci, and the present one, Kadri Veseli, have built their entire political career on not respecting agreements and the recent case with Isa Mustafa is one such case.

Thaci meets urgently Veseli to discuss motion of no-confidence (gazetametro)

 The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci held an urgent meeting with the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli. Gazeta Metro reports that Thaci left immediately after his speech at the meeting with civil society representatives on the draft regulation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to meet Veseli and discuss opposition parties’ submission of the motion of no-confidence on the government.