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Jablanovic: Proclamation is an ordinary political farce that cannot succeed (Kossev)

"Prominent representatives" of the Srpska in "a joint appeal to the Serbian people" demanded the withdrawal of Aleksandar Jablanovic from all the functions in the Srpska. Recently, media in Kosovo, and Serbian media had more articles about Jablanovic's alleged corruption, nepotism and misuse of funds, as well as his alleged collusion with some senior representatives of the Kosovo government.

How do you react to a proclamation issued by the Srpska, it would be the first proclamation in which they request your withdrawal?

Kosovo to form secretly its own army (Blic)

In the middle of the key phase of dialogue with Belgrade and without permission of the Kosovo Serbs, Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa decided to form their own army. 

Blic writes that Thaci and Mustafa prepared secret plan on transforming Kosovo Security Force into an army, by amending current laws. For this they need a simple majority in parliament. This way the Srpska List would be bypassed, because for the formation through amendment of the Constitution of Kosovo necessary would be the votes of Serbs.

SLS: The appointment of deputy ministers is not in accordance with the agreement (Kontakt plus radio)

Independent Liberal Party announced today that the appointments of deputy ministers from the Serbian community were not in accordance with the earlier agreement within the Srpska list.

Independent Liberal Party, which is part of the Srpska, has expressed regret that the personnel policy within the Srpska list was carried out by individuals, bypassing what was agreed repeatedly.

Independent Liberal Party, in a statement to Radio Kontakt Plus, reminds us that this was not the first time that within the Srpska list was not respected what has been already agreed.

MPs of the Serbian List and Mustafa on return to Kosovo institutions (Tanjug)

Representatives of the Serbian List spoke this morning with Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa about the possibility for their return to Kosovo institutions, Tanjug learned. 

In the last two days, several meetings were held. With Kosovo PM and his Deputy Hashim Thaci spoke Kosovo Deputy PM Branimir Stojanovic, Mayors of Gracanica, Kosovska Mitrovica and Strpce, Vladeta Kostic, Goran Rakic and Bratislav Nikolic, and Minister for Local Self-Government Ljubomir Maric. 

Srpska calls for adoption of special court bill (KiM Radio)

The Srpska List called on Albanian leaders in Kosovo-Metohija and representatives of the Kosovo government and parliament to pass a bill setting up a court that would try war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

The Srpska List noted that the attacks targeting Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija are well-organized, and aimed at intimidating the remaining Serb population, and presenting prominent Serbs as “bloodthirsty criminals” so as to make the Serb people in the province powerless.

Dismissal of Jablanovic paralyzing municipalities in the north (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Municipalities in northern Kosovo which are administered by the Civic Initiative Srpska have shown solidarity with Aleksandar Jablanovic, who was dismissed from the post of the minister for communities and return from the Kosovo government due to ‘insulting’ statements.

They have frozen their work and are now waiting for decision from Belgrade about the future of Serbs in Kosovo institutions, carried Pristina-based daily Koha Ditore.

Mustafa: Jablanovic no longer minister (RTS, Politika)

Aleksandar Jablanovic no longer is part of my cabinet, said Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. The decision was made without consultation with the Serbs, says Branimir Stojanovic, Kosovo's deputy prime minister.

Mustafa did not explain whether Jablanovic resigned or he was removed from the office. "We faced the demands of demonstrators in the previous period related to the Trepca and Minister Jablanovic. I can inform you that as of today Jablanovic is not part of the Cabinet of the Government of Kosovo," said Mustafa.