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Oliver Ivanović: EULEX wants to break me (Večernje Novosti)

All my life I've spent doing the opposite of what I'm charged. Therefore, I hope the Court of Appeal will, when considering my case, come to that conclusion. I believe that the verdict will be overturned into acquittal, because that will be the only just solution.

These are the words of the leader of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović, from the interview for "Novosti", who after nearly two years of litigation, was sentenced to nine years in prison. Practically without proof.

We will not return mandates (KIM Radio)

Local councilors who have left the Civic Initiative SDP in Mitrovica North and Zvečan/Zveçan and joined the ranks of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), communicated yesterday that their transfer is not directed against anyone, instead it is related with improving the living conditions of citizens. They also said that they will not return their mandates since they were elected by the citizens.

Janjic: Serbs have not turned their backs on Belgrade (Danas)

- The overwhelming support of the voters in Kosovo, given to the Serbian Progressive Party in this parliamentary election points to their, first of all, support to the policy of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, says the President of Active Serbia Dusan Janjic, commenting on the fact that the SNS received about 66 per cent of the vote in the territory of Kosovo.

SNS and Gorani won in elections held in the municipality of Gora (Kontakt plus radio)

The electoral list Aleksandar Vucic Serbia won in the municipality of Gora in Kosovo with 78 per cent of the vote, stated the Gorani Citizens' Initiative.

SPS got 11 per cent and the DS three per cent of the vote.

"The Citizens Initiative of Gorani, as the only political and national organization of Gorani, shares the same values with the president of the SNS, Aleksandar Vucic," said the Initiative.

SNS wins two-thirds of votes cast in Kosovo (B92)

The SNS party won 67.09 percent of the votes in the Serbian parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the party announced based on 100 percent of ballots processed.

SNS official Marko Djuric, who also heads the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, told reporters in Belgrade late on Monday that it was "a historic result for the SNS in Kosovo and Metohija."

"We became united and rallied the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs together," Djuric said.

Montenegrin Liberal Party supported the SNS and Vucic (Kontakt plus radio)

Montenegrin Liberal Party (CLS) fully supports the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its president Aleksandar Vucic, in the next elections, said Snezana Karadzic, founder of the CLS.

Karadzic states that the CLS sincerely appreciates the policy of cooperation, a policy of unity and reconciliation in the region, for which advocates the SNS and its President.

Democratic Party of Serbia: The bomb in Zubin Potok is mounted diversion in Vucic's organization (RTK2, Blic)

The Committee of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) in Kosovo says that the explosion in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the visit of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, actually is "mounted diversion", and "directed" the Prime Minister himself.

Progressives in Strpce/Shterpce proposed Vucic for the president (KIM radio)

Municipal Board of Serbian progressive Party (SNS) in Strpce/Shterpce today reached a unanimous decision to propose Aleksandar Vucic as the President of SNS, because of the policy of reconciliation and sincere fight for the interests of Serbs in Kosovo, the announcement says.

"The policy of unity, the policy of cooperation and reconciliation in the region, a policy of genuine struggle for the interests of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the best recommends our president Aleksandar Vucic for the position of the President of SNS," said Bratislav Nikolic.

Djuric: Electoral months ahead of us (Akter)

Serbian Progressive Party in the Kosovo Morava region gained around 2,000 new members, said Marko Djuric in Zebince, near Novo Brdo, a member of the Main Board and the Presidium of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and pointed out that the SNS will participate in all elections.

The objective of SNS in elections, he points out, is victory at all levels - a victory against unemployment, victory against corruption and victory for strong institutions.