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ROSU lately frequently patrols through Serbian settlements (Politika)

Special Kosovo Police Unit (so called ROSU) in last couple days frequently patrols through Serbian settlements south from Kosovoska Mitrovica.

The remaining Serbs in Velika Hoča and Orahovac said to RTS that members of ROSU are patrolling their settlements in the evening hours, what worries them, considering that they are not used to such police presence in these settlements.


Mogherini: The agreement of the meeting in Brussels has not been respected (B92, RTS)

Brussels - High Representative the European Union Federica Mogherini expressed "regret that all sides in the dialogue" did not respect the last night's agreement in Brussels.

As noted, the deal was to overcome the tension and not to comment in public about discussion in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Russian experts: "Crimea for Kosovo" deal won't happen (B92, Vesti, RTS, Sputnik)

Russia will not recognize Kosovo - Moscow does not and never will barter with Serbia's territorial integrity, say Russian experts.

Sputnik is reporting that this reaction came in the wake of claims made by western analysts that "Russia could recognize Kosovo in order to reach a deal with the US."

Russian experts say that such statements look like an attempt of their Western counterparts to "drive a wedge" between Russia and Serbia.

Urgent meeting between Vučić and Mogherini in Davos (RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić in Davos today will have an emergency meeting with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, reports RTS.

The topics expected relate to the latest events between Belgrade and Pristina, reports correspondent of RTS in Davos.

The meeting was not planned, but this morning was urgently scheduled for 15.30.


Rakić: Demolition of the supporting wall will represent violence (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

The Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić says that it is the right of local government to build on the territory on which they govern, and adds that the announcement of the central authorities in Pristina on demolishment of the supporting wall goes beyond their limits.

Government to "react" to French court's decision on Friday (Serbian media)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić said Thursday the government would not react today to the release from custody in France of Ramush Haradinaj.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is reporting that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has scheduled a meeting of his cabinet for Friday, "during which a decision will be made."

Haradinaj, a Kosovo Albanian politician and former KLA commander, was arrested last week in France on a Serbian war crimes warrant.

Vučić: We will ask for the extradition of Haradinaj (media)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has commented on the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj in France to say it is "good for justice to be above politics."

Vucic said that the Serbian prosecution has numerous pieces of evidence and "incriminating things" against Haradinaj, and that he wished that France, "as a serious country with the rule of law," would not act in line with political positions, but rather in line with justice.