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Foreign minister says Kosovo won't join Interpol in November (RTS, TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said the member states of the Interpol were facing a strong lobbying of Kosovo representatives to make Kosovo a member of that organization, but, as he assessed, this would not happen during the November session of the Interpol.

Dacic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) even some territories and not states only could become the Interpol member states but only with the consent of the state, it is a part of.

Jeremic: Serbia close to agreement with Kosovo (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian opposition People’s Party leader Vuk Jeremic said today that Belgrade has never been closer to an agreement with Pristina, BETA news agency reports.

Serbia has never been closer to demarcation with Kosovo, he said, adding that a legally binding agreement to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations will be signed in 2019 unless someone prevents the Serbian authorities from doing so.

Two moves of US and Pristina in a day with the same goal, but can they bypass Russia (Blic)

Accidentally or intentionally, a letter from former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayle on the withdrawal of the UNMIK mission from Kosovo coincided with the adoption of laws in the Kosovo Assembly, which will allow Pristina to form its own army, writes today Belgrade-based daily Blic.

Danas: Vucic would go for elections, before solution for Kosovo (Danas)

Elections, either regular or extraordinary would most certainly take place in Serbia, prior to the final resolution of the Kosovo issue, Belgrade-based daily Danas reports.

Bojan Klacar, researcher at the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) made these remarks to Danas, responding to a question if more frequent appearances of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) members on the most viewed television stations, in addition to their presence in these media, could indicate holding of extraordinary elections.

Markovic, Haradinaj and Ljajic coffee chatt in Budva (Politika, Beta)

Belgrade-based daily Politika reports that the prime ministers of Montenegro and Kosovo, Dusko Markovic and Ramush Haradinaj, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, took a break in Budva, spending the coffee time together. On the terrace of the hotel "Splendid" were and the Vice President of the FYROM Government, Koco Andjusev, and the President of the Montenegrin Assembly, Ivan Brajovic.

Process of forming Kosovo army uncertain (Danas)

Leaders of major Western countries will not comment on an initiative to transform Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) into an army, since it remains “uncertain how the process would unfold further,” Belgrade-based daily writes today referring to its diplomatic sources.

According to the daily’s interlocutors, USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy “in principle support creation of armed Kosovo formation” however, they would continue to insist this transformation to be “gradual” and in consultation with minority communities, including the Serbs in Kosovo.

Drecun: Answers to crimes in archives of international community (RTS, Serbian media)

Serbian Working Group for gathering facts and evidences in shedding the light on crimes committed in Kosovo and Metohija urged embassies of states that were part of KFOR’s contingents to open their archives, Serbian media report.

Several thousand documents, Serbia got hold of, were presented to the ambassadors and international community representatives, urging them again to open their archives.

Slovenian socialists call for revoking Kosovo recognition (RTS)

Socialist Party of Slovenia called upon the president, prime minister and members of the Slovenian government to pledge for the Republic of Slovenia to revoke recognition of Kosovo, in line with the increasing number of states’ decisions on this matter, and support territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, RTS reports.

Battle for Kosovo still ahead, Serbian FM Dacic says (BETA, Vecernje Novosti, TV N1, B92)

Belgrade won’t give up its pride and constitution for some European ‘carrot’, and the battle for Kosovo still lies ahead of us, Serbia’s Foreign Minister has told the Vecernje Novosti daily on Friday.

Ivica Dacic referred to a comment by Peter Beyer, a German parliamentarian from the Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party, who has recently told Belgrade authorities that “Serbia cannot be a part of the European Union until it de jure recognizes the independence of Kosovo.”