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Serbian Orthodox Church reiterates: Kosovo is integral part of Serbia (Tanjug, B92)

The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) has confirmed its "unanimous and unequivocal" position from previous meetings regarding Kosovo and Metohija. And the Serbian Orthodox Church's position is that Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of the Republic of Serbia's sovereign territory.

Parliamentary elections in Serbia to be held in 2020 (Tanjug, B92, RTS)

Parliamentary elections in Serbia will be held early next year, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday. He added that "it doesn't matter if they take place then, in the winter, or in the spring."

As things stand, there will be no early parliamentary elections at this time, Vucic told Serbian public broadcaster RTS.

Mogherini must do much more, EP official says (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

European Parliament Committee for Cooperation with Serbia Chairman Eduard Kukan believes that inclusion of Russia and the US in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would end it.

The EU and its foreign policy chief had to show much more firmness and determination in the enlargement process and, above all, in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina; the lack of leadership was particularly striking in the absence of a response to Pristina's unacceptable tariffs (on goods from central Serbia) Kukan told Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily.

Serbian Assembly special session on Kosovo scheduled (B92, BETA, Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic called a special session of the parliament on May 27, and the report on Kosovo and Metohija would be discussed, Serbian media report.

Gojkovic told journalists the invitation would be sent to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to take part in the discussion and submit a report on Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic told RTS earlier he is ready to attend the session.

Serbian officials react to Pristina’s resolution (RTS, Tanjug, B92, Danas, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented on the adoption of Pristina’s resolution on genocide that Serbia allegedly committed in Kosovo saying it is yet another step backward. Brnabic noted while Serbia pursues a policy of peace and compromise, focusing on the future of the region and better living conditions, Pristina’s policy is a policy of the past that shall take no one to the better future.

Pristina uses Iraqi porn still to accuse Serbs of "rape" (B92)

Kosovo-based website Insajderi is reporting that a photo depicting alleged rape of an Albanian by Serbian soldiers is actually a photo from an Iraqi porn site. The photo was shown in the Kosovo Assembly on Thursday by Flora Brovina, a member of the Assembly during a session that adopted a resolution on "genocide" that Serbia allegedly committed in Kosovo, B92 reports.

Rada Trajkovic on resolution, photo Brovina presented (Radio KIM)

President of the Serb European Movement in Kosovo Rada Trajkovic said the resolution on the alleged genocide of Serbia in Kosovo is a response “to the indictment deriving from the European institutions as per initiative of Dick Marty,” respectively Special Court for war crimes, Radio KIM reported.

She opines that the Special Court has moved “an avalanche of removing accountability,” in a manner that does not contribute to calming down the situation and true “verification of people who have committed the crimes”.

Ambassador Kosnett’s Interview with Radio Gorazdevac (US Embassy)

Radio Gorazdevac: Your Excellency, welcome to our studio and thank you for this interview.

Ambassador Kosnett: Thank you Darko, it’s a great privilege to be here.  It’s always enjoyable to get outside the capital to explore new parts of the country and get to hear different points of view from people throughout the country.

Radio Gorazdevac: To start maybe it’s important for you to tell us what is the reason for your visit to this region of Peja?

President Vucic warns that Pristina wants to move against Serbs (RTS, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has told public broadcaster RTS that the Kosovo authorities want to arrest 26 police officers from northern Kosovo, and another 15 people. According to him, the excuse for the arrests would be that they had participated "in corruption, and the like." Vucic also told RTS that "the vicious circle in Kosovo has not been closed."

Serbian Orthodox Church will not change position on Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

The position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) on Kosovo will be formulated and published as a special act of the Holy Archbishops' Assembly, and the SPC will not change its position, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported.

In other words, the Church will remain firm in its commitment to the policy of not recognizing Kosovo's "statehood - as well as any kind of partition," the newspaper said on Friday.

"On this issue, the Assembly has been unanimous at this session as well," an unnamed source from the SPC Patriarchate told Vecernje Novosti.