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The Serbian University in North Mitrovica classified as a Kosovan institution by the draft of the Kosovo Law on Higher Education (KoSSev)

The draft of the Kosovo Law on Higher Education classifies the University of North Mitrovica as a public Kosovo institution of higher education. The votes of at least four deputies representing the Serb community in the Kosovo Assembly are required in order for this law to be adopted. This draft, which was proposed in November of last year, was discussed in early March in the assembly education committee in Pristina, in which Srpska Lista MP, Verica Ceranic is also a member.

Kosovo with highest unemployment in Western Balkans (Beta, N1)

Kosovo has the highest unemployment rate in the Western Balkans, the World Bank and Vienna Institute for Internal Economic Studies said in a report published on Tuesday.

The report said that the overall unemployment rate in the region dropped from 16.2 to 15.3 percent. The unemployment rates range from 12 percent in Albania and Serbia to 29 percent in Kosovo.

Serbia’s Gov. dismisses young activist for wanting to go to Kosovo (N1)

On the eve of a meeting of the Regional office for the cooperation of youths (RYCO) Managing Board due to be held in Pristina, Serbia’s representative Milica Skiljevic was replaced because she said she would go to Kosovo despite the country’s instructions, N1 reported on Wednesday.

The reason for her replacement was Serbia’s Government decision that the move would be against the country’s interest, while Skiljevic said she only wanted to present the interest of young people.

Dacic to Politika daily: They never asked us what we want with Kosovo

There was never a talk with representatives of the international community about what Serbia would like as an outcome in the negotiations with Pristina, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in an interview for Sunday's edition of the Belgrade based daily Politika, answering the question of whether in the past the issue of the Serbian position has been raised in discussions with influential Western officials.

Vucic on security of Serbs in Kosovo, 17 March 2004 pogrom anniversary (Serbian Government, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that if NATO is not able to protect the Serb people in the southern province, the Republic of Serbia will do so. Vucic was speaking on the occasion of the 15th  anniversary of the March 2004 pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian Government website said.

Serbia supports peaceful resolution of Venezuela crisis (Serbian Government, Tanjug, B92)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met on Saturday with Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza. FM Arreaza is on a bilateral visit to Serbia, where he was also received by a number of cabinet ministers, including Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

Dacic expressed his satisfaction with the visit and underlined that Serbia and Venezuela enjoy a long friendship, which is reflected in the mutual support in the international arena, the government said on its website.

Zakharova: Pristina tightens the noose to Serbs (BETA)

Measures of Pristina authorities represent “tightening the noose” to the Serbs and their systematic expulsion “by creating unbearable conditions in the spirit of an ethnic cleansing,” Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, BETA news agency reported.

At the regular Foreign Affairs Ministry press briefing, Zakharova urged international forces in Kosovo to implement their mandate and do not allow “violence against the Kosovo Serbs.” She also noted international forces were not preventing violence against the Serbs even before.

Vucic thanks Grenada (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic thanked Foreign Affairs Minister of Grenada Peter Charles David for the support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported.

He also added decision of Grenada to revoke recognition of unilaterally declared Kosovo independence and thus give advantage to finding a compromise solution through dialogue is an evidence of a principled stance to respecting the international law. Vucic further noted it is of particular importance that Grenade shows that support within international organizations as well.